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Vladimir Putin proposes collaborative "security framework" with Vietnam.

"Identical stances taken"

The presidents of Russia and Vietnam - before Communist Party founder Hồ Chí Minh.
The presidents of Russia and Vietnam - before Communist Party founder Hồ Chí Minh.

Vladimir Putin proposes collaborative "security framework" with Vietnam.

After his trip to North Korea, Putin jet-setted off to Vietnam. The Russian president inked various cooperation agreements, mainly focusing on security and defense matters, during his stay.

Post-North Korea visit, President Vladimir Putin set foot in Vietnam to garner more backing for his contentious foreign policies. "Russia values strengthening ties with Vietnam." Putin declared after a meet-up with Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh. Both nations share consistent views on vital international matters. Chinh promised a strengthening of relationships between the two nations in the defense and security sectors. Over a dozen accords were sealed.

Putin made his fifth trip to Vietnam as the head of state. Vietnam has been a loyal friend of Moscow since the Soviet era. In an article for the Vietnamese newspaper "Nhan Dan" - the voice of the Communist Party, Putin thanked the nation for its balanced approach towards the Ukraine crisis. Hanoi abstained from voting on UN resolutions condemning Russia's military actions against Ukraine.

Putin received a warm military welcome at the Presidential Palace in Hanoi. After conferring with Chinh, Putin is expected to meet with other high-ranking Vietnamese authorities, including Nguyen Phu Trong, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

Security architecture in the Asian-Pacific region founded on non-violence principles and resolving differences peacefully was part of the discussion between Putin and Chinh, according to Putin. Chinh emphasized that both countries aimed to boost cooperation in the defense and security areas, "to tackle non-traditional security dilemmas and establish peace and security regionally and globally based on international law."

Both leaders signed around a dozen accords, encompassing areas ranging from education to civilian nuclear projects. Russian delegates stated that Putin's talks with the Vietnamese leadership would primarily revolve around economic, energy, and educational issues. The trade volume between the two countries amounted to $3.5 billion (approximately €3.2 billion) in 2022, which pales in comparison to Vietnam's trade volumes with China ($175 billion) and the United States ($123 billion).

For decades, Moscow served as Vietnam's main weapons supplier, accounting for over 80% of its imports between 1995 and 2023. However, sales considerably decreased due to the Ukraine conflict and the intensification of sanctions against Russia.

North Korea Visit Under Scrutiny

As a global production hub, Vietnam strives to maintain harmonious relationships with all involved parties without being bound by any singular alliance. Above all, Hanoi aims to steer clear of taking sides in the escalating rivalry between China and the United States – a time when both titans are extending their control in the region.

Before setting foot in Vietnam, Putin paid a visit to North Korea. He was warmly welcomed by a thrilling crowd and waving children in the internationally isolated nation. Russian President Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed a deal on Wednesday where they vowed "mutual support" in case of hostilities from other nations. Kim also extended his "full support" for Putin in the Ukraine war.

The apparent unity between the two countries received criticism and apprehension worldwide. A representative from the US State Department commented that no country should give Putin a platform to escalate his aggression against Ukraine. Japan voiced "serious concerns" over the military support pact between Russia and North Korea, in which Putin mentioned that military-technical cooperation was not ruled out.

Official military accords between North Korea and Russia would breach UN resolutions imposing sanctions against North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile program, which Russia, as a permanent member, had also supported.

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