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Vitali Klitschko accuses Selenskyj of mistakes

Tough words in an interview

Vitali Klitschko was elected mayor of Kiev in May
Vitali Klitschko was elected mayor of Kiev in May

Vitali Klitschko accuses Selenskyj of mistakes

Vitali Klitschko sends unusually clear criticism towards Volodymyr Zelensky in an interview. The president of Ukraine has made mistakes for which he is now paying, Kiev's mayor is quoted as saying. However, Klitschko pledged his full political support for the president - until the end of the war.

Kiev's mayor Vitali Klitschko has accused Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky of "mistakes" with unusual clarity. "People are asking themselves why we were not better prepared for this war. Why Zelenskyi denied until the end that it would come to this," Klitschko told the Swiss news portal "20 Minuten". "There was too much information that did not match reality," said the former world boxing champion, who called for more honesty with regard to Ukraine's true situation in its fight against Russia's war of aggression.

"Zelensky is paying for the mistakes he made," said Klitschko. "Of course we can euphorically lie to our people and our partners. But you can't do that forever," Klitschko continued in the interview, which was picked up by several Ukrainian and Russian media outlets on Sunday. The 52-year-old also demonstratively sided with the Ukrainian commander-in-chief of the armed forces, Valery Salushnyi, who had recently spoken of a stalemate in the war, much to Zelenskyi's annoyance. Ukraine was at an impasse, Salushnyj had declared.

Support until the end of the war

"He told the truth," said Klitschko. "Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth. But ultimately he is responsible. He has explained and justified what the situation is today." At the same time, Klitschko warned against playing political games in the country, which has been fighting for its independence for almost two years. There should be no trench warfare "in a country whose very existence is shaky". That is why, according to his own statements, he continues to refrain from talking about his own political plans and at the same time assures Zelensky of his support - until the end of the war.

"The president has an important function today and we must support him until the end of the war. But at the end of this war, every politician will pay for his successes or failures." In the interview, Klitschko also thanked Germany for the delivery of air defence systems, but criticized the country for not also giving Ukraine the long-range Taurus cruise missiles. Berlin is taking refuge in "excuses" here - "our partners are far too cautious and evasive," said the mayor.

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