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Visit to Kiev: Orban proposes ceasefire to Zelenskyi

Kiev and Moscow are a long way from peace negotiations. Nevertheless, Hungary's Prime Minister Orban proposes a ceasefire to Ukrainian President Zelensky.

Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban traveled to Kiev for the first time since the start of the...
Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban traveled to Kiev for the first time since the start of the war.

War in Ukraine - Visit to Kiev: Orban proposes ceasefire to Zelenskyi

Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban urged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to consider a firebreak in the war with Russia. "International diplomatic rules are slow and complicated. I asked the gentleman president to consider whether it might be possible to reverse the order and accelerate peace negotiations with a quick firebreak," Orban said after a meeting with Zelensky in Kiev, according to a report by the Hungarian news agency MTI.

Zelensky remains tight-lipped

Publicly, Zelensky left Orban's proposal unanswered. Currently, there are no peace negotiations between Kiev and Moscow. Kiev has officially rejected an arms truce before the withdrawal of Russian troops, but it had not emphasized this condition recently. Both sides rejected arms truces or even a ceasefire in the past, citing the concern that the other side would use the pause for rearmament.

Orban visited the neighboring country for the first time since the beginning of Russia's attack on Ukraine in February 2022. "The goal of the Hungarian presidency of the EU Council is to contribute to the resolution of the challenges facing the European Union. My first trip therefore led to Kiev," wrote the right-wing politician on Facebook.

Hungary has just taken over the rotating EU Council presidency for six months. Orban had announced before his trip to Kiev that he intended to take steps towards peace.

The relations between Kiev and Budapest are tense. Zelensky expressed the hope after the meeting with Orban that all contentious issues between Hungary and Ukraine could be resolved in a bilateral agreement in the future.

Hungary has repeatedly delayed aid to Ukraine

In the past, Orban delayed aid to the Ukraine attacked by Russia and attempted to prevent sanctions against Moscow several times. Hungary is still heavily dependent on Russian gas supplies, which partly flow through Ukraine. However, Kiev does not intend to extend the contract for gas transit, which expires at the end of the year. In addition, Hungary had long opposed EU accession talks with Ukraine, but ultimately gave in under pressure from Brussels.

Another contentious issue between neighbors is the rights of the Hungarian minority in Ukraine, which Orban has been portraying as their protector for years. There were signs of easing tensions. Orban promised financial aid for the establishment of schools for the Ukrainian minority and refugees in Hungary, reported the Interfax-Ukraine agency. Budapest has been pressing Kiev for some time to grant the Hungarian minority in the Transcarpathian region more rights, especially in education.

Orban was last in Ukraine in 2015. At that time, Poroshenko was still in office.

  1. Despite Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban urging for a cease fire as a means to accelerate peace negotiations between Ukraine and Russia, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has remained silent on the matter publicly.
  2. Current international diplomatic rules have been slow in resolving conflicts, leading Orban to suggest a potential reversal of the negotiation process.
  3. Budapest and Kiev have strained relations, with Orban visiting Kiev for the first time since February 2022 after Hungary took over the rotating EU Council presidency.
  4. Russia's attack on Ukraine in February 2022 has led to tension in neighboring countries, with Hungary heavily dependent on Russian gas supplies that partly flow through Ukraine.
  5. Orban had previously delayed aid to Ukraine and attempted to prevent sanctions against Moscow, but Kiev does not intend to extend the gas transit contract due to expire at the end of the year.
  6. Another sensitive issue between the two neighboring countries is the rights of the Hungarian minority in Ukraine, which Orban has long advocated for.
  7. Following Orban's visit, signs of easing tensions emerged, with Orban promising financial aid for the establishment of schools for the Ukrainian minority and refugees in Hungary.
  8. Budapest has been pressing Kiev for more rights for the Hungarian minority, particularly in education, in the Transcarpathian region for some time.
  9. In a previous visit to Ukraine in 2015, Orban met with then-Ukrainian President Poroshenko, showcasing the historical complexity of relations between the two countries.

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