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Vietnam detains journalist critical of the government

Faces up to seven years behind bars.

Journalist critical of the government arrested in Vietnam
Journalist critical of the government arrested in Vietnam

Vietnam detains journalist critical of the government

In Vietnam, communist authorities are stepping up their crackdown on critics. Recently, they apprehended acclaimed journalist Truong Huy San and lawyer Tran Dinh Trien. According to reports, both individuals are charged with anti-state activities. If found guilty, they could face up to seven years behind bars.

San, also recognized by his pen names Huy Duc and Osin, had been working for some of Vietnam's prominent newspapers near the Mekong. Before his arrest, he published a scathing critique of CP General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and President To Lam on Facebook, targeting the current anti-corruption drive in the one-party state. His page, which boasted almost 350,000 followers, was subsequently blocked by authorities.

Trien, who used to be a member of the Communist Party, resigned from his position as a security officer and set up his own law firm. In his legal practice, he represented several high-profile dissidents and activists.

Human rights organizations have long blamed the Vietnamese government in Hanoi for infringing on fundamental human rights. The organization Reporters Without Borders includes Vietnam among the least free nations in terms of press freedom.

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