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Victim of gunshot may be in critical psychological condition

Bystanders intimidated in Hamburg

Shortly before the incident, there was a large fan march in St. Pauli on the occasion of the...
Shortly before the incident, there was a large fan march in St. Pauli on the occasion of the European Championship.

Victim of gunshot may be in critical psychological condition

In the lively St. Pauli entertainment district of Hamburg, a 39-year-old German man had a run-in with authorities on a Sunday, wielding a hammer and a Molotov cocktail. The investigation is ongoing, and police have hinted at potential mental health issues as the man's possible state. A concrete motive for his actions remains elusive initially. The police chose to keep his residence undisclosed on Sunday night.

As detailed by "Bild" newspaper, the man is speculated to be battling Schizophrenia. He posted a disturbing video on Facebook shortly before the event, depicting a sharp hammer and a mysterious bottle filled with liquid. Accompanying the video, the man wrote, "Public Viewing Heiligengeistfeld". Heiligengeistfeld is situated near the crime scene.

Just prior to the incident, approximately 13,000 Dutch fans were marching in the St. Pauli district due to the EM game between the Netherlands and Poland. However, the police confirmed that the march had already concluded during the incident. There's no indication that the event is linked to the Football European Championship. The man had ventured out from a snack shop in Silbersackstraße at noon on Sunday, brandishing his weapons and intimidating passers-by and officers.

He ignored the orders to surrender both weapons. Even the use of pepper spray proved ineffective. In the end, officers were forced to open fire. The man was struck and tumbled to the ground. He was attended to immediately by medical personnel and transported to a hospital. Thankfully, no police officers or bystanders were harmed during the ordeal.

Dutch fans were in close proximity to the crime scene during the incident. Video recordings shared on social media reveal the police addressing crowds in Dutch, supported by their Dutch colleagues via loudspeakers.

The man is anticipated to be detained for further investigation. The Homicide Commission has assumed control of the case. As per standard procedure following the use of firearms by response units, the Internal Investigations Department of the Interior Ministry will conduct the reviews, as stated.

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