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Verdict not final after attack on police officer

A police checkpoint escalates. A police officer is seriously injured. However, the prison sentence for the alleged perpetrator has not yet been upheld.

At the end of June, the court sentenced a 24-year-old man to five years and nine months in prison...
At the end of June, the court sentenced a 24-year-old man to five years and nine months in prison for attempted manslaughter and grievous bodily harm. (symbol optics)

Revision - Verdict not final after attack on police officer

After a nearly fatal attack on a police officer in Unterfranken, the judgment for the defendant is not legally binding yet. Both the defendant and the public prosecutor have filed appeals, according to the Würzburg Regional Court. Therefore, the Federal Court of Justice will likely have to deal with the matter.

The court had sentenced a 24-year-old man to five years and nine months in prison at the end of June for attempted manslaughter and grievous bodily harm. He is accused of resisting a police check in Ochsenfurt (Würzburg district) in January. During this incident, a scuffle ensued. The defendant is said to have taken the police officer's pistol and fired it. The officer remained unharmed.

Subsequently, the defendant is said to have pushed the officer's head into the pavement several times and kicked him repeatedly in the head while he was lying motionless on the ground. The seriously injured police officer eventually shot the man in the leg and subdued him.

The public prosecutor and the co-plaintiff had demanded a charge of attempted murder. However, the defense saw no intent to kill and demanded a sentence of four years in prison for grievous bodily harm.

  1. The attack occurred in Lower Franconia, specifically in Ochsenfurt, which is part of the Würzburg district in Bavaria.
  2. Despite the Lower Franconian court's sentence of five years and nine months for attempted manslaughter and grievous bodily harm, the Federal Court of Justice might need to intervene due to ongoing appeals from the defendant and the public prosecutor's office.
  3. The defendant, a 24-year-old man, is facing charges for resisting a police check, resulting in a scuffle and a near-fatal attack on the police officer.
  4. The public prosecutor's office in Würzburg had initially sought a charge of attempted murder due to the defendant's actions during the altercation, but the court ultimately sentenced him for less severe charges.
  5. The process involving the defendant and the public prosecutor's office is being closely observed, as the incident has raised concerns about crime and safety in Lower Franconia.

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