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USA pushing for Hostage Deal - warning words to Netanyahu

Israel's prime minister conducts political talks in Washington - with US President Biden and his vice president Harris. He intends to meet Trump as well.

Harris urges a agreement in the Gaza War.
Harris urges a agreement in the Gaza War.

Overview of the situation - USA pushing for Hostage Deal - warning words to Netanyahu

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing demands for a swift agreement on a ceasefire in the Gaza conflict during his political talks in the USA. "It's time to make this agreement happen," said the democratic presidential candidate and US Vice President Kamala Harris after her meeting with Netanyahu. Biden had met with Netanyahu on Thursday, and they were later joined by relatives of American-Israeli hostages. Netanyahu is scheduled to meet with the Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, in Florida today.

The relatives of the hostages expressed new hope after their hour-long encounter with Biden and Netanyahu, according to a report by the US news portal "Axios," quoting three sources present at the meeting. The meeting took place as part of Biden's efforts to put pressure on Netanyahu to reach an agreement. Netanyahu promised the relatives, in the presence of Biden, that Israel would present an updated proposal for an agreement within a few days.

Indirect negotiations, with the USA, Qatar, and Egypt acting as mediators, are set to continue in Doha in the coming week. Netanyahu had previously, during a speech before both houses of the US Congress, refused to announce an agreement to the dismay of relatives of the 115 hostages still held in Gaza.

Harris with clear support for Israel and a warning

For Harris, who missed the speech on Wednesday due to a campaign engagement, the meeting with Netanyahu was the first significant test in her role as a potential Democratic vice presidential nominee in the presidential campaign. She aims to defeat the Republican Trump in the US election on November 3, after Biden withdrew from the race on Sunday.

Harris expressed her clear support for Israel following her meeting with Netanyahu. At the same time, she urged Israel's leadership to do more for the protection of the population in Gaza. "Israel has the right to defend itself, and it's important how it does that," Harris said.

She expressed her "grave concern over the extent of human suffering in the Gaza Strip" during the conversation with Netanyahu. This includes the death of "too many innocent civilians" and the catastrophic humanitarian situation. "We cannot turn a blind eye to these tragedies. We cannot allow ourselves to remain indifferent, and I will not be silent."

Thanks to the leadership of US President Joe Biden, an agreement on a ceasefire and the release of hostages is on the table, Harris added. "There are promising developments in the talks," she said.

John Kirby, the Communications Director of the National Security Council, also said that the USA is convinced that the hostage deal will be reached. "We are confident that the remaining gaps can be closed, but it will, as always, require leadership, compromise, and effort to achieve this goal," Kirby said. Biden and Netanyahu, whose relationship has been strained due to Israel's handling of the Gaza conflict, did not answer any questions from the press.

The relationship between Biden and Netanyahu is tense - the actions of the Israeli leadership under Netanyahu during the Gaza War further worsened the situation. The US, as Israel's most significant ally, is pressing Israel to strengthen humanitarian aid in Gaza and improve the protection of the civilian population.

Trump: The massacre of October 7 would not have happened with me as President

Before Trump's meeting with Netanyahu today, the Republican made a statement on the conflict in Gaza and Netanyahu's upcoming visit to Florida in a Fox News program. Regarding the war in Gaza and Netanyahu's visit to Florida, he said, "I hope he wraps it up quickly." Trump welcomes Netanyahu at his estate Mar-a-Lago in Florida.

Trump claimed in a Fox News interview before the meeting that "the October 7 massacre would not have happened if I had been President." "Do you know, October 7 would never have happened. If I had been President, it wouldn't have had a chance. Iran would have been bankrupt, they wouldn't have given any money to Hamas or Hezbollah. It simply wouldn't have happened," said the 78-year-old. The massacre was the catalyst for the war in Gaza.

Praising words for Trump in Netanyahu's speech earlier

Netanyahu had praised Trump in his speech before the US Congress on Wednesday. He extensively discussed Trump's achievements during his presidency from 2017 to 2021. In particular, he highlighted the so-called Abraham Accords. The United Arab Emirates and Bahrain signed diplomatic agreements with Israel under Trump's mediation in 2020.

"I would also like to thank President Trump for all the things he has done for Israel," Netanyahu said in his speech further, "from recognizing Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights, countering Iranian aggression, to recognizing Jerusalem as our capital and moving the American embassy."

Details about the meeting have not been disclosed yet. Trump announced the invitation on his online platform Truth Social. Netanyahu reportedly requested the meeting. Biden might view it as an affront. Trump, who is in the heated phase of the election campaign, creates headlines with the reception of high-ranking officials frequently. Recently, the Republican had welcomed Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban to his estate.

  1. The ceasefire agreement in the Gaza conflict is a pressing demand for Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu during his political talks in the USA.
  2. Kamala Harris, the democratic presidential candidate and US Vice President, expressed the need for a swift agreement after meeting with Netanyahu.
  3. Netanyahu is scheduled to meet with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in Florida today, following a meeting with Biden and hostage relatives.
  4. Indirect negotiations, mediated by the USA, Qatar, and Egypt, will continue in Doha for the Gaza conflict in the coming week.
  5. Harris urged Israel's leadership to protect the population in Gaza while supporting its right to defend itself during her meeting with Netanyahu.
  6. Harris voiced her concern over the human suffering and civilian casualties in Gaza, expressing her commitment to address these issues.
  7. Biden and Netanyahu, with a strained relationship, did not answer press questions after their meeting, focusing on negotiating an agreement and hostage release.
  8. The US is confident that the remaining gaps in the hostage deal can be closed, requiring leadership, compromise, and effort, according to Communications Director John Kirby.
  9. The relationship between Biden and Netanyahu has been strained due to Israel's actions during the Gaza War, with the US pressuring Israel to enhance humanitarian aid and protect civilians.
  10. Trump, in his Fox News interview before the meeting, claimed that the October 7 massacre in Gaza would not have occurred if he had been President.
  11. Netanyahu praised Trump in his speech before the US Congress on Wednesday, highlighting Trump's accomplishments and the diplomatic agreements with Arab nations.
  12. Details about Trump and Netanyahu's meeting in Florida have not been disclosed yet, with Trump announcing the meeting on his Truth Social platform.
  13. Kamala Harris' clear support for Israel and her stance on protecting the population in Gaza and addressing humanitarian issues are significant aspects of her role as a potential Democratic vice presidential nominee.

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