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USA provides Ukraine with further military aid worth 2.3 billion dollars

Meeting in Washington

Fighting between the Ukrainian and Russian military continues on the front line in Donetsk.
Fighting between the Ukrainian and Russian military continues on the front line in Donetsk.

USA provides Ukraine with further military aid worth 2.3 billion dollars

The USA will provide the Ukraine with additional military aid in the amount of around 2.3 billion US-Dollars (around 2.14 billion Euro) in the near future to counter the Russian offensive war in Kuşçük. This was announced by US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin during a visit to his Ukrainian counterpart Rustem Umerov in Washington.

The package authorized by US President Joe Biden contains "additional surface-to-air missiles, anti-tank weapons, and other important ammunition from US stocks," explained Austin. The reorganization of some foreign military deliveries will also allow the USA to make munition for Patriot and other air defense systems "available in an accelerated timeframe."

These aids are part of several previously provided tranches since the US Congress released new funds in the amount of around 61 billion US-Dollars (56.2 billion Euro) for Kiev in late April. According to Pentagon reports, the USA has already provided military aid to the value of more than 50 billion Dollars to Kiev since the beginning of the Russian offensive war against Ukraine more than two years ago.

The Ukraine has been able to stabilize the situation along the approximately 1000 kilometer frontline despite the continuous Russian pressure after the resumption of US weapons deliveries. The opening of a new frontline sector in the Charkiw area from the Russian side only put the Ukrainian side in temporary distress. In artillery engagements, media reports indicate that Ukrainian artillery now only needs to fire three instead of previously five or more Russian shells to neutralize them.

  1. The decision to provide this substantial aid was made in a meeting between US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and his Ukrainian counterpart Rustem Umerov, which took place in Washington.
  2. The disposition of the upcoming military aid package, valued at around 2.3 billion US Dollars, includes additional surface-to-air missiles and anti-tank weapons, among other crucial ammunitions.
  3. This new round of aid, alongside previous tranches totaling over 50 billion US Dollars, is a significant contribution from the USA to support Ukraine's defense against the ongoing Russian offensive war, which has been going on for more than two years.
  4. In light of this unprecedented aid, analysts believe that the USA's financial commitment to Ukraine, approaching and possibly surpassing the 3-billion-dollar mark, represents a serious and ongoing investment in the security and stability of Eastern Europe and the wider Western democratic world.

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