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USA deploys cruise missiles and new supersonic weapons in Germany

It is a result of the NATO summit: the USA wants to station long-range weapons in Germany again. Provided President Trump doesn't get in the way.

The heads of state and government of the NATO member states are currently meeting in Washington...
The heads of state and government of the NATO member states are currently meeting in Washington D.C.. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is also on site

NATO summit - USA deploys cruise missiles and new supersonic weapons in Germany

The USA strengthen military deterrence to protect NATO partners in Europe. Starting from 2026, temporary Tomahawk cruise missiles and other long-range weapons, including SM-6 missiles and new supersonic weapons, will be stationed in Germany, according to a joint statement of the USA and Germany, released on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Washington.

The cruise missiles, like the German Taurus system, are capable of penetrating deep into enemy territory and destroying critical targets. Command and control centers, bunkers, and radar installations could be among them. The Tomahawk is deployed from ships or submarines, while the Taurus is launched from aircraft.

Russia's attack strengthens NATO solidarity

US President Joe Biden has strengthened the military presence in Germany and Europe since the beginning of Russia's attack on Ukraine to better protect NATO territory. Biden repeatedly assured that the United States would stand by its obligations in the military alliance and defend every inch of NATO territory. However, with a change in the White House, this could change.

The Republican former President Donald Trump intends to run again as his party's candidate in the November election and return to the White House. During his tenure (2017-2021), he threatened to withdraw the US from NATO and frequently criticized the allegedly too low defense spending of European allies. In the current campaign, he repeated these accusations and threatened NATO countries that did not meet their financial obligations with no longer providing American protection.

At the NATO summit in Washington, it was announced that Germany will host temporary Tomahawk cruise missiles and other long-range weapon systems, such as SM-6 missiles and new supersonic weapons, starting from 2026. This decision is aimed at enhancing NATO's deterrence towards potential threats, particularly in light of the ongoing situation in Ukraine.

The deployment of these weapon systems in Germany is a significant development in the context of Europe's defense strategy, as it aligns with the USA's commitment to strengthening its military presence in the region. This move is expected to send a strong message to Russia and other potential adversaries, underscoring NATO's collective resolve to safeguard its territorial integrity.

Given the ongoing political instability in Europe and the escalating tensions between NATO and Russia, the decision to station these powerful weapon systems in Germany is a pivotal step towards ensuring the security and stability of Europe. The USA, as a key member and leader of NATO, plays a crucial role in this regard, and its commitment to this alliance remains a cornerstone of its foreign policy.

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