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US-Presidential candidate Harris raises 200 Million Dollars in donations - among them many first-time donors

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US-Presidential candidate Harris raises 200 million Dollars in donations - among them many...
US-Presidential candidate Harris raises 200 million Dollars in donations - among them many first-time donors

US-Presidential candidate Harris raises 200 Million Dollars in donations - among them many first-time donors

The anticipated Democratic Party presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, received $200 million in donations in a week. Her campaign team announced the sum on Sunday. The largest part of the donations, 66%, came from donors who were giving for the first time in this campaign. These donations were made after US President Joe Biden announced on the previous Sunday that he would not run and was now endorsing Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate.

"This election will be very close and decided by a small number of voters in just a few (US) states," Michael Tyler, Harris' campaign communications director, shared.

According to the campaign team, it was calculated that a fundraising event on Saturday would bring in around $400,000, but in the end, it brought in approximately $1.4 million. Harris made a campaign stop in Pittsfield in the US state of Massachusetts. The event was organized when Biden was still a Democratic presidential candidate.

Harris stated, "I am still the 'Underdog' in the presidential race against former President Donald Trump, but my campaign is gaining strength."

Within a week, Harris's US Presidential campaign received millions, specifically $200, which was announced on Sunday by her financiers. The majority of these donations, about 66%, were from first-time donors, surge coming after Biden's endorsement.

The anticipated Democratic Party presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, mentioned that she still considers herself an 'Underdog' despite gaining strength in the presidential race against former President Donald Trump, despite the influx of over $200 million in donations.

These impressive donations, including the $1.4 million brought in during a fundraising event on Saturday, have put Harris within striking distance, positioning her as a formidable challenger in the upcoming US Presidential elections.

Despite being a millionaire in donations, Harris emphasized the importance of every dollar received from her financiers, underlining that the US Presidential race will be determined by a narrow margin in just a few key states.

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