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US government claims to have known nothing about Hamas attack

After "New York Times" revelation

John Kirby denied on NBC that US intelligence agencies received advance knowledge of the
John Kirby denied on NBC that US intelligence agencies received advance knowledge of the Hamas

US government claims to have known nothing about Hamas attack

According to the New York Times, the Israeli security forces were already aware of Hamas' plans for an attack a year ago. Did US intelligence services also know about it? The spokesman for the National Security Council now denies this.

According to its own statements, the US government was not informed in advance of any indications of a planned major attack by the Islamist Hamas. A few days ago, the New York Times reported that Israel had received information about a potential Hamas attack of this magnitude more than a year before October 7.

The communications director of the National Security Council, John Kirby, told the NBC television station: "Our own intelligence services have said that they have looked into it." However, he added that they currently had no evidence that they had prior access to any such document. Nor were they aware of it.

Early knowledge, devastating decision

According to the New York Times, there was an extensive exchange between Israeli authorities on a 40-page document codenamed "Jericho Wall", which outlined a Hamas battle plan. This is said to have resembled in every detail the attack that Hamas terrorists then carried out from the Gaza Strip at the beginning of October, the newspaper reported. According to the report, the draft had already reached the hands of Israeli authorities more than a year before the attack and was then circulated in military and intelligence circles.

However, it was dismissed by the experts as too ambitious and too difficult for Hamas to implement. The document, which according to the newspaper was translated, did not contain a date for an attack, but described a precise methodical raid to overcome the fortifications around the Gaza Strip, capture Israeli towns and storm important military bases. Hamas followed this plan "with frightening precision" during the attack at the beginning of October, the newspaper wrote.

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Despite the New York Times' report indicating that Israeli intelligence had knowledge of Hamas' attack plans a year prior, the US secret service has maintained that they were not privy to such information. This raises questions about the extent of international intelligence-sharing during potential threats.

The lack of prior knowledge or action on the part of the US secret service further complicates discussions surrounding the US government's response to the Hamas war in Israel.


