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US Defense Secretary Austin engages in a phone conversation with Moscow.

Protracted Absence on the Radio Band

The initiative for the conversation came from Austin.
The initiative for the conversation came from Austin.

US Defense Secretary Austin engages in a phone conversation with Moscow.

Stony silence taking over between the Defense offices in Washington and Moscow. However, US Defense Secretary Austin breaks it by dialling his Russian counterpart, Beloussov. The subject: the conflict in Ukraine and prospective intensification.

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin engages in an anomalous chat with Russian counterpart Andrey Beloussov, highlighting the significance of preserving communication amid Russia's persistent military action in Ukraine, as per Pentagon Spokesperson Pat Ryder. Ryder refrained from disclosing additional details regarding the conversation.

The Russian Defense Ministry announces after midnight that both parties had deliberated the conflict in Ukraine. Beloussov supposedly voiced anxieties about the constant US arms shipments to Ukraine and the mounting prospect of an upsurge in the chaos within the nation. The Ministry in Moscow kept further details under wraps.

Apparently, the initiative for the dialogue came from Austin. As per Ryder, Austin last communicated with his Russian counterpart on March 15, 2023, when Sergei Shoigu was still the Russian Defense Minister.

Moscow issues threats to Washington on Monday after a Ukrainian rocket attack on the Crimean Peninsula's Sevastopol city, annexed by Russia since 2014. "It's obvious that the direct US engagement in combat resulting in the loss of Russian civilians isn't something that goes unanswered," commented Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov. The Russian Foreign Ministry summons the US ambassador in Moscow, Lynne Tracy, and delivers a protest note.

Read also:

  1. The ongoing 'Attack on Ukraine' and the accusations of 'War crimes' committed by both sides have been a major topic of discussion in international diplomatic circles, with the USA firmly condemning such actions.
  2. Amidst the escalating 'Wars and conflicts', Lloyd Austin, the US Defense Secretary, has emphasized the importance of maintaining diplomatic channels with Russia, despite their involvement in Ukraine.
  3. Following the 'War crimes' allegations against Russia in Ukraine, some international leaders have called for harsher sanctions, while others, like Austin, believe in engaging in diplomatic conversations to prevent further escalation.



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