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US campaign appearance: Agents ensure Trump's safety

Trump campaigs in Pennsylvania. Suddenly loud explosive sounds are heard. The situation is at first completely unclear.

Trump was escorted off the stage by security personnel.
Trump was escorted off the stage by security personnel.

United States of America - US campaign appearance: Agents ensure Trump's safety

Former US President Donald Trump was protected by Secret-Service agents during a campaign rally in the state of Pennsylvania. It was unclear if shots had been fired beforehand - loud bang sounds and screams were heard from reporters on site. Images showed Trump with an apparently bleeding ear and raised fist. The situation was initially unclear.

Trump had just begun his speech in the city of Butler in Pennsylvania, when the incident occurred. The 78-year-old intends to move back into the White House as the Republican candidate after the presidential election in November.

TV images showed panic breaking out at the event and people screaming. Trump supporters were evacuated after the incident. The area around the stage was cordoned off with yellow tape. It was initially unclear if and how severely Trump was injured. A helicopter landed.

The Republican Party convention is scheduled to begin in Milwaukee on Monday. There, Trump is expected to be officially nominated as the Republican candidate for the presidential election.

During the campaign appearance in Pennsylvania, the United States of America, the incident occurred close to where the US-President, Donald Trump, was speaking. The incident disrupted the Republican Party's ongoing campaign in the state, leading to panic among supporters. Despite the commotion, Trump managed to continue his Presidential election campaign in the following days. The Republican Party, in support of their candidate, will officially nominate Donald Trump as their choice for the upcoming US Presidential election in Milwaukee.

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