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Ursula von der Leyen advocates for "strong Europe" and sharply criticizes Orban

Ursula von der Leyen seeks re-election as EU Commission President. In her last major speech before the vote, she appeals to democratic deputies and calls for more defense for Europe.

Ursula von der Leyen is about to vote in the European Parliament for a second term as EU Commission...
Ursula von der Leyen is about to vote in the European Parliament for a second term as EU Commission President

Fighting Speech - Ursula von der Leyen advocates for "strong Europe" and sharply criticizes Orban

Ursula von der Leyen in her campaign speech for a second term as EU Commission President passionately advocated for a determined fight against demagogues and extremists. She would never accept, she said before the European Parliament's deputies, those who would "destroy our European way of life."

Von der Leyen criticizes Orban's Russia trip: A "Appeasement-Mission"

The trip of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to Russian President Vladimir Putin was criticized by von der Leyen as appeasement towards a politician who started a war against Ukraine. It was not a "peace mission," she stated, alluding to the British appeasement policy towards Adolf Hitler during World War II.

In the face of Russia's aggression in Ukraine, she advocated for building a "real European Union of Defense." This would involve, for instance, a European air defense shield. The EU should invest more in its security. NATO would remain the pillar of European defense. She also intended to focus on building a "true European defense union." The EU would for the first time appoint an EU defense commissioner.

Her green politics, von der Leyen promised, would not be rolled back. In a 31-page document outlining her vision, she committed to proposing new ways for climate policy. She, however, advocated for the approval of synthetic fuels for cars, known as E-fuels. In her political guidelines for the coming five years, the CDU politician announced a corresponding "targeted change in regulation" for the internal combustion engine by 2035. To achieve climate goals, "a technology-neutral approach is necessary."

Von der Leyen promises border protection

Concretely, von der Leyen, if re-elected by the parliament, pledged initiatives for more competition and a stronger defense industry, as well as measures for fair farming incomes. Von der Leyen stated that we live in a time of great fear and insecurity. She is convinced, however, that a strong Europe can overcome the challenges.

Von der Leyen also promised to renew border management, strengthen the EU border and coast guard agency Frontex and the criminal prosecution agency Europol. She also intended to propose a new approach for the return of migrants. She pleaded for tripling the number of employees of the European border and coast guard to 30,000, emphasized the 65-year-old German.

"We will show no tolerance towards those who threaten the security of our borders and our citizens with hybrid attacks," von der Leyen declared. "Hostile actors who force people across the EU's external borders for political reasons should be recognized and sanctioned as a threat to our security."

Voting on a second term for Leyen is planned for 13:00 hours. The result should be available around 15:00 hours. She needs an absolute majority of 361 out of 720 votes.

  1. In response to von der Leyen's criticism, Viktor Orban argued that his trip to Russia was aimed at fostering diplomatic relations and not as an "appeasement mission."
  2. The European Parliament, led by Ursula von der Leyen, has been vigilant against the influence of authoritarian regimes in Europe, particularly those of leaders like Viktor Orban and Vladimir Putin.
  3. During her campaign, Ursula von der Leyen emphasized the need for the European Union to strengthen its defense capabilities in the face of threats from nations like Russia, urging for a more robust European Union of Defense.

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