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Upswing for the anti-Trump Republican - here's what's next for Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley is the Republican of the moment - also because she is not too similar to Donald Trump. She is unlikely to become the presidential candidate, but perhaps number two. The next few weeks are crucial.

Winning smile: Nikki Haley at the latest Republican TV
Winning smile: Nikki Haley at the latest Republican TV

US presidential election - Upswing for the anti-Trump Republican - here's what's next for Nikki Haley

Show me your enemies and I'll tell you how dangerous you are. If this motto existed, Nikki Haley would be well on her way. During the fourth televised debate between the Republican presidential candidates in the USA, she bundled together just about all the insults and slurs. Her male opponents accused her of being corrupt, bellicose and even fascist. But instead of getting bogged down in petty counter-attacks, she enjoyed the limelight: "I'm happy about all the attention, guys - thank you very much."

She survived Donald Trump unscathed

No question: Nikki Haley, 51 years old, from the state of South Carolina, is the woman of the hour. And the hope of all conservatives who can't stand Donald Trump. She once served under him as US ambassador to the United Nations - and was one of the very few who managed the feat of not falling out with either the US president or the rest of the country. That is why she is now on the campaign trail in the USA, charming the hearts of traditional Republicans time and time again.

Since the race for the next Conservative presidential candidacy opened, it has really only been about who will finish second behind the old and new favorite Donald Trump. The governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, has long been considered a promising candidate. But he is sabotaging himself with stiff performances and unnecessary culture wars - while Nikki Haley is on the verge of overtaking him as number two.

Backed by sponsors worth billions

It's not enough for the top spot, as Donald Trump is almost unassailably ahead with approval ratings of around 60 percent. But the place directly behind would perhaps qualify her for the position of vice-presidential candidate. With the billionaire Koch family, she already has the backing of a more than potent donor. She is also likely to be of interest to female voters and non-white Americans. Nikki Haley is the daughter of Indian immigrants.

The first clear indication of the future of the Republican presidential candidates will come on January 15. This is when the internal party primaries begin in the USA and thus the first phase of the presidential election campaign.

The primaries will soon be going from strength to strength

  • If none of the candidates drop out in the coming weeks, there will be around a handful of names on the ballot papers at the start of the primaries in Iowa. Haley is not considered the favorite in the first vote, as the state is too conservative for that. But after that, the field of candidates is likely to open up quickly .
  • Just one week later, on January 23, elections will be held in New Hampshire, a more moderate state where Donald Trump's popularity ratings have recently fallen and Haley's have risen.
  • The cycle continues state by state until Super Tuesday on March 5 . On this Tuesday, elections will be held simultaneously in 16 states, including populous states such as California and Texas. After that, the preliminary decision should be made and it should be clear who will be the official presidential candidate in the race for the White House .

It is likely to be former President Donald Trump again, as in the two previous elections. Although he is facing numerous accusations in various lawsuits, the past few weeks have shown that the legal proceedings are doing him more good than harm. Presumably because they underline his "me against the rest of the world" image.

On Tuesday, November 5, the Americans will decide whether they want to keep their current president Joe Biden or give the former president another chance.

Read also:

  1. Despite facing criticisms from her male opponents during the Republican presidential debates in the USA, Nikki Haley, the former US ambassador to the United Nations and a woman from South Carolina, maintained her composure and gained popularity among Republicans who dislike President Donald Trump.
  2. With the support of wealthy donors like the Koch family and her ability to appeal to female voters and non-white Americans, Nikki Haley is considered a strong contender for the second place in the Republican presidential nomination race, following Donald Trump.
  3. In the upcoming primaries, Nikki Haley may not emerge as the favorite in the conservative state of Iowa, but her chances are expected to improve in more moderate states such as New Hampshire and beyond, potentially positioning her as a vice-presidential candidate or a major player in the Republican party.
  4. As the primaries progress and the field of candidates narrows, the eventual Republican presidential nominee in the 2024 US presidential election could once again be former President Donald Trump, despite numerous legal accusations and lawsuits against him, which have helped maintain his image as a 'man against the world.'


