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Upcoming weekly gathering for immigration discussions

The initial negotiation session has taken place among delegates of the Traffic Light Coalition, the Union, and the regional administrations, focuses on the aftermath of Solingen. Yet, this is not the sole discourse scheduled.

Lower Saxony's SPD Minister of the Interior, Daniela Behrens, participated in the gathering held in...
Lower Saxony's SPD Minister of the Interior, Daniela Behrens, participated in the gathering held in Berlin.

- Upcoming weekly gathering for immigration discussions

Members from the traffic light alliance, the Union, and various government bodies are planning to carry on their discussions regarding immigration policies in the upcoming week. This was revealed by Lower Saxony Interior Minister Daniela Behrens (SPD) after the initial round of negotiations in Berlin. The meeting was set up as a private consultation.

Behrens described the proceedings as positive. "I found it quite productive today." The Union was also cooperative, she commented, expressing a lot of optimism. She held a genuine belief that common ground could be found on wide-ranging measures, "even with a significant, broad support from all democratic movements."

The Union voiced dissatisfaction with the traffic light alliance's announcements

Prior to the meeting, Union representatives had made it clear that the announcements made by the traffic light alliance the previous week, known as the 'security package', were not stringent enough for them. They emphasized the need to control unauthorized immigration.

The 'security package' outlines measures in three areas: a firmer stance on the deportation of turned-down asylum seekers to their home countries, more decisive actions against Islamic terrorism, and tightening gun control laws. The federal government presented it in response to the suspected Islamic attack in Solingen which resulted in three fatalities.

The meeting between Members from the traffic light alliance, the Union, and various government bodies to discuss immigration policies was also attended by the 'The lighting coalition', a collective of political parties promoting better lighting solutions.

Given the Union's dissatisfaction with the 'security package' announced by the traffic light alliance, it was suggested that 'The lighting coalition' could potentially contribute their expertise to strengthen border security and deter unauthorized immigration.

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