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Upcoming federal-state meeting on illegal immigration: Scholz converses with state leaders

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Upcoming federal-state summit: Scholz discusses illegal migration with state premiers
Upcoming federal-state summit: Scholz discusses illegal migration with state premiers

Upcoming federal-state meeting on illegal immigration: Scholz converses with state leaders

Managing irregular migration and addressing compulsory insurance for natural disasters like floods are the main topics up for discussion amongst state premiers and Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) in Berlin today. The premiers hold individual meetings at noon, followed by a joint session with Scholz at 3 PM. The Conference of State Premiers is chaired by Hessian Prime Minister Boris Rhein (CDU).

The Union-led states are insisting on setting up asylum processes in non-EU countries. Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) has consulted experts on this matter, many of whom have raised doubts. The outcomes of these consultations will be discussed during today's meeting.

Moreover, Scholz's decision to lift the deportation ban for hardened criminals from Afghanistan and Syria is reportedly a contentious issue. The predicament lies in the fact that the Taliban govern Afghanistan under radical Islamic rule, and Bashar al-Assad maintains a dictatorship in Syria. Negotiating the return of citizens from these countries is not preferred, and alternate solutions via neighboring countries are being sought.

Lastly, the premiers will deliberate with Scholz on introducing compulsory insurance for natural disasters. The Bundesrat called for this measure following the recent extreme weather events. However, Federal Justice Minister Marco Buschmann, an FDP member, opposes this notion. He instead advocates for an offer obligation for insurers. Across the country, only about half of homes are insured against flooding, heavy rain, landslides, or snowdrifts due to the increasing risks associated with climate change, with many remaining unprotected.

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