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Unmanned aerial examination of vital facilities

Unidentified drones were allegedly detected hovering over a commercial facility in Brunsbuettel, with no discernible origin or destination identified. Subsequently, an inquiry has been initiated.

- Unmanned aerial examination of vital facilities

It's being investigated by the authorities in Flensburg about continuous drone flights disrupting vital installations in Schleswig-Holstein. They've opened an inquiry on allegations of "surveillance-like activities with destructive intentions," as stated by an official spokesperson. The drones' origin and destination have not been revealed yet. Previously, "Bild" and "Spiegel" disclosed this information.

According to reports by "Spiegel," these drone activities have been happening over the ChemCoast Park in Brunsbüttel since the beginning of August. "Spiegel" also mentioned that up to four drones have been spotted flying over the location multiple nights since August 8.

The local police drones seem to struggle in tracking down these suspected sophisticated devices, which can cover long distances and reach speeds up to 100 kilometers per hour. An attempt to detect the drones using a specialized device resulted in failure.

A representative from the Ministry of Defense explained to the German Press Agency that the Center for Air Operations is cooperating closely with the local authorities for this case. The military is contributing radar data to the police to enhance the overall understanding of the situation. This is part of their responsibility to secure the airspace.

The Federal Ministry of the Interior did not comment on the matter. A spokesperson from the ministry stated, "The primary incident falls entirely under the jurisdiction of the Schleswig-Holstein state police." The federal police and the Federal Criminal Police Office are assisting in the ongoing investigation.

The Federal Criminal Police Office is also contributing to the investigation, working closely with the Office of the Prosecutor to examine the allegations of suspicious drone activities. The School of Criminal Law in Flensburg has been requested to provide expertise and guidance on the potential legal implications of this case.

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