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Unlawful sexual assault and captivity: Severe imprisonment for Life Coach

The alleged perpetrator is reportedly accused of repeatedly sexually assaulting seven females.
The alleged perpetrator is reportedly accused of repeatedly sexually assaulting seven females.

Unlawful sexual assault and captivity: Severe imprisonment for Life Coach

A 38-year-old individual, based in Southern Germany, falsely advertised themselves as a "life coach," mainly focusing on helping women. However, their true intention was to exert dominance and sexually assault these women. Authorities have confirmed at least seven incidents of such behavior. Additionally, this individual has been accused of physical abuse towards others, including their own child. Consequently, they are facing an extensive prison sentence.

This so-called "life coach" has been sentenced to a prison term of eleven years and six months for kidnapping, causing grievous bodily harm, and rape. Their brother was also convicted for aiding and abetting these crimes and was sentenced to three years in prison. The proceedings were largely held behind closed doors, excluding the public, except for the declaration of the verdict.

Due to excessive drug use, the main suspect was considered unfit to stand trial before their arrest in October 2022, and they thus were not charged for crimes committed immediately prior. The final verdict has yet to be delivered.

According to the presiding judge, Michael Haas, this individual conducted unauthorized online seminars and "personality development seminars" in their house, billing themselves as a "life coach." Despite lacking any professional training, they managed to gain popularity.

Judge: Woman-Targeting "Life Coach"

Judge Haas characterized the defendant's demeanor as "misogynistic." From 2019 onwards, this individual exploited their coaching offers in Walldürn to purposely unsettle women. Between then and their arrest in October 2022, they reportedly assaulted seven women, with three of them being held captive. Two other women, their child, and three men were also allegedly physically abused. In total, there are said to be 13 victims. The defendant's 25-year-old brother is accused of supporting these actions and even raping women themselves.

In October 2022, a victim successfully made an emergency call, leading to law enforcement raiding the house and apprehending the suspects. The main defendant was initially housed in a psychiatric facility but has been kept in pre-trial detention since May 2023.

At the beginning of the extensive trial, held in early February, the co-plaintiffs, including the defendant's spouse, as well as the prosecutor's office, pleaded for an exclusion of the public due to sensitive and personal information discussing the co-plaintiffs' lives. The request was granted by the court.

Originally, the siblings were to be tried separately. However, following a decision by the Higher Regional Court of Karlsruhe, the cases against both were consolidated into a single trial. The indictment spanned several hundred pages, and the trial itself lasted over 27 main trial days, with thirty witnesses and eleven expert witnesses being heard.

Alexander Brungs, a board member of the German Coaching Association, penned an article for the business magazine "Business Punk" that estimated there were over 50,000 coaches in Germany at the time, only about a quarter of whom held recognized qualifications. "The rest are often charlatans," he asserted. To protect customers, Brungs suggests seeking out a coach who is a member of a professional association, as this ensures "a certain level of quality."

The defendant's actions towards the women, including physically assaulting and sexually assaulting them, are classified as rape. The 25-year-old brother of the defendant is also accused of raping women.

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