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United Nations accuses Israel and Palestinians of committing war crimes.

The UN commission makes it clear how to assess the assaults on Israel in October 7 and the ensuing Israeli conflict against armed groups in the Gaza Strip.

An Israeli soldier with the victory sign: "Israel rejects the despicable and immoral accusations...
An Israeli soldier with the victory sign: "Israel rejects the despicable and immoral accusations against the IDF (Israel Defense Forces)".

Conflict in the Middle East - United Nations accuses Israel and Palestinians of committing war crimes.

Since October 7, 2023, both Israel and armed Palestinian groups in the Gaza Strip have been accused of committing war crimes by a UN report. A team of independent experts and human rights lawyers, appointed by the UN Human Rights Council, presented this report in Geneva. The UN Human Rights Office also charges both sides with perpetrating war crimes.

Navi Pillay, the chair of the UN Human Rights Council's Commission, demanded a halt to attacks by Palestinian armed groups on Israel and demanded the release of all hostages. The commission cites the military wing of Hamas, along with six other armed groups, for committing various war crimes such as assaults on civilians, torture, inhumane treatment, and hostage-taking. "Hostage-taking is a war crime," stated Pillay.

The commission called on Israel to cease its military operation in the Gaza Strip. Among the war crimes of Israel listed in the report are using starvation as a tool of warfare, intentional attacks on civilians and civilian targets, sexual violence, torture, and inhumane or degrading treatment.

Following a terrorist attack on the coast on October 7, 2023, Israel retaliated with a war against armed groups in the Gaza Strip. This attack led to the deaths of approximately 1200 people in Israel. Over 250 people were kidnapped as hostages in the Gaza Strip. Certain individuals were released, while others were rescued. More than 120 hostages are still in the hands of Hamas, and it's feared that many may have already perished. As per the Palestinian Health Authority, more than 37,000 people have perished in the fighting in the Gaza Strip since October.

Commission Criticizes Israel

"It is utterly essential that all those responsible for committing crimes are held responsible," declared Pillay. Israel has been found to impede the work of the commission and deny access to the occupied territories, including the Gaza Strip, which Israel asserts is no longer occupied since the removal of Israeli military forces and settlers in 2005. The commission claims to have considered multiple verifiable reports, forensic analysis, satellite images, and medical reports, and to have spoken with victims and witnesses in Turkey and Egypt.

Israel dismissed the report, stating that the commission viewed the situation in an imbalanced manner. The report overlooks the fact that Hamas employs civilians as human shields and exposes them to harm, according to a statement from the Israeli embassy in Geneva. The statement also rebuked the "disgusting and immoral" accusations leveled against the IDF (Israel Defense Forces).

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