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Union sends 100 questions to government in funding affair

In the so-called funding allowance affair, Union Education Minister Stark-Watzinger continues to face pressure from the government. The federal parliamentary faction has submitted a thick questionnaire to the government.

Bildungsministerin Stark-Watzinger is under pressure in the so-called Funding-Affair.
Bildungsministerin Stark-Watzinger is under pressure in the so-called Funding-Affair.

science - Union sends 100 questions to government in funding affair

In the so-called Funding Allowance Affair, the Union faction in the Bundestag submitted a comprehensive catalog of 100 questions to the Federal Government regarding Bundesforschungsministerin Bettina Stark-Watzinger. The Union wants to know if, when, and how FDP politician Bettina Stark-Watzinger was involved in the handling of an open letter from professors at the Free University of Berlin regarding the Middle East conflict at the Research Ministry. The Union became aware of this issue through a report by ARD-Hauptstadtstudio.

The professors had criticized the clearing of a camp of pro-Palestinian demonstrators at the Free University of Berlin in May. This, in turn, led to criticism from Stark-Watzinger. In her opinion, the letter "whitewashes the terror of Hamas."

Stark-Watzinger later separated from her State Secretary Sabine Doering and declared that the State Secretary responsible for higher education in the ministry had initiated the investigation. The Minister emphasized that she herself had not issued the investigation order and did not want to.

Union: Truth must finally be put on the table

The Union criticizes that the FDP politician had not given answers to several questions on this topic during an appearance in the Bundestag Education Committee two weeks ago. In its questionnaire, the Union now wants to know who in the upper echelons of the Ministry communicated with whom regarding the professors' letter and how orders and instructions were given there.

"Truth must finally be put on the table," said the education policy spokesman of the Union faction, Thomas Jarzombek (CDU). According to faction statements, the Federal Government was given a deadline to answer the questions until July 25.

  1. The Union faction in the Federal Parliament, specifically Thomas Jarzombek from the CDU, has set a deadline for the Federal Government to respond to their 100 questions concerning Bettina Stark-Watzinger's involvement in the Middle East conflict at the Federal Research Ministry.
  2. This issue originated from a report by ARD-Hauptstadtstudio about Bettina Stark-Watzinger's involvement with an open letter from professors at the Free University Berlin.
  3. The professors criticized the clearing of a pro-Palestinian demonstrators' camp at the Free University Berlin, leading to criticism from Stark-Watzinger.
  4. The Union believes that Stark-Watzinger, a FDP politician, failed to provide sufficient answers regarding this topic during her appearance in the Bundestag Education Committee two weeks prior.
  5. According to the Union, the clearance of the pro-Palestinian demonstrators' camp in Berlin is being whitewashed by the letter from the Free University Berlin professors, a stance that Stark-Watzinger strongly opposes.
  6. The Union faction wants to delve deeper into the issue and uncover who in the upper echelons of the Ministry communicated with whom regarding the professors' letter, as well as how orders and instructions were given.
  7. This indicates that the Union sees Germany's involvement in the Middle East conflict, particularly the events at the Free University Berlin, as a major issue that requires transparency and accountability from the Federal Government.
  8. This controversy has added another layer to the tensions between Germany and Israel, as well as Palestine, and touches upon the broader issue of conflicts and hostilities in the Middle East.

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