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Union demands resignation of Bundestag Vice-President Petra Pau

Dissolution of the left-wing parliamentary group

Vice-President of the Bundestag Petra Pau, Left
Vice-President of the Bundestag Petra Pau, Left

Union demands resignation of Bundestag Vice-President Petra Pau

The CDU/CSU parliamentary group has called on Bundestag Vice-President Petra Pau (Left Party) to relinquish her post. Sepp Müller (CDU), Vice-President of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, justified the demand to "Der Spiegel" with the planned self-dissolution of the Left Party parliamentary group on December 6. With the dissolution, Pau would have to resign from her post in the Bundestag presidium.

At the beginning of this legislative period, Pau was once again proposed by her parliamentary group as parliamentary deputy and later elected by the plenary. Each parliamentary group in the Bundestag is entitled to at least one vice-presidency.

"I have come to know Ms Pau as a consistent Vice-President with a strong character," said Müller. "That's why she should remain consistent and step down as Vice-President of the Bundestag when the left-wing parliamentary group is dissolved."

According to reports, Pau has so far wanted to keep her position, "Der Spiegel" reported. The East Berlin MP has been a member of the Bundestag since 1998 and has been Vice-President of Parliament since 2006. The current Left Party parliamentary group in the Bundestag is disbanding because it will lose ten MPs with the formation of Sahra Wagenknecht's new party.


