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Union accuses traffic lights of despondency on deportations

Too little pressure on third countries

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Union accuses traffic lights of despondency on deportations

At its latest migration summit, the traffic light government announces agreements with third countries for faster deportations. The CDU/CSU accuses the government of poorly representing German interests in international negotiations. The Greens disagree.

In the debate on faster deportations of rejected asylum seekers, the CDU/CSU has accused the traffic light government of despondency in negotiations with countries of origin and third countries and called for stronger representation of German interests. "In negotiations with third countries, the Federal Government must make it clearer that mandatory readmission under international law is the basis for normal relations and a condition for benefiting from trade facilitation and development cooperation," said Jürgen Hardt, foreign policy spokesperson for the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the Bundestag, to the Rheinische Post newspaper.

"The German government is appearing too despondent and apparently sees itself in a constant financial debt," criticized the CDU politician. The Russian attack on Ukraine had made the world more polarized. "It is time that we can demand the minimum of state cooperation from our allies," emphasized Hardt. In addition to security policy, this also includes cooperation on migration issues. However, anyone seeking proximity to the West and wanting to be a partner, including in migration issues, must then also be "decisively supported by Germany" in return, said the CDU politician.

Greens against focus on returns

He pleaded for a continuation of the existing EU-Turkey deal. Although this had not solved any problems, it had prevented another migration crisis. "Chancellor Scholz will have to show whether he can match his predecessor's negotiating skills," Hardt continued.

The Greens fundamentally rejected the focus on returns in migration agreements. "If agreements are only based on returns, they will fail," Green Party interior politician Julian Pahlke told the newspaper.

Migration agreements could only work if they were negotiated on an equal footing. Economic cooperation or cooperation in energy production could play a role here, as could training sponsorships, according to Pahlke. "Negotiating repatriations and visa facilitation alone is a recipe for failure," emphasized the Green politician. Pahlke did not address the fact that the CDU is also calling for reciprocity in agreements with third countries.

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