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Unidentified aerial phenomenon encounters reported in Polish airspace by authorities.

Display of combative aircraft from the Polish Air Force.
Display of combative aircraft from the Polish Air Force.

Unidentified aerial phenomenon encounters reported in Polish airspace by authorities.

This morning, Moscow initiated a substantial air assault on Ukraine. Concurrently, radar facilities in Poland recognized an unnamed aerial entity. Military sources suggest it to be a Russian Shahed drone.

As per Polish military authorities, there seems to be an irruption of an unknown aerial entity into Polish territory. Maciej Klisz, the head of Polish forces, informed journalists about this potential intrusion. Radar stations affirmedly detected the suspected drone, at the very least thrice, prior to it vanishing from radar screens shortly after dawn.

It can be ascertained that the object isn't a rocket - neither a hypersonic rocket, nor a ballistic rocket, nor a guided missile, declared Klisz. In the mid-afternoon, the hunt for the missing object centered around the vicinity of the tiny Polish village of Tyszowce, southeast of the country, approximately 30 kilometers from the Ukrainian border.

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"We were fully prepared to counteract this object," disclosed the army command's spokesperson, Jacek Goryszewski. In his opinion, "there's a significant likelihood that it's a drone akin to the Shahed type" manufactured by Iran, employed by the Russian army. However, he emphasized, "this is yet to be substantiated."

According to reports, the object pierced the Polish border close to the Ukrainian city of Chernihiv at 6:43 AM. Chernihiv is a city frequently under Russian air assaults due to a power plant located there. It's also feasible that the supposed drone departed Polish territory, Goryszewski added.

From the very outset, the news agency PAP reported that, given the proximity of hefty Russian air assaults to the Polish border, the Polish military had deployed interceptors. Reports also indicated that aircraft from allied countries joined the operation.

Russian missiles have previously momentarily penetrated the airspace of EU and NATO member Poland during Russia's attacks on Ukraine. Poland has been a steadfast supporter of Kyiv since the inception of Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

The Polish military's deployment of interceptors is a direct response to the potential infiltration of the suspected Russian Shahed drone. Given the ongoing military conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the involvement of military forces in this situation is of paramount importance.

In light of the previous instances of Russian missiles encroaching upon Poland's airspace during their attacks on Ukraine, the country's military readiness and cooperation with its allies are of significant strategic importance.

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