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Uncovering the fact that the strike fails to generate progress in the labor conflict.

Uncovering the fact that the strike fails to generate progress in the labor conflict.

Discover Airlines, a Lufthansa subsidiary, continues to stand firm against the demands of unions Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) and UFO, despite six days of strike from some of its staff. According to Airline CEO Bernd Bauer, "We haven't found it necessary to cave in to the political pressures and union games of the sector."

The company is adhering to the collective bargaining agreements signed with rival union Verdi, enabling employees to swiftly enjoy the benefits of the negotiated enhancements. Due to the dedication of numerous workers, an average of four out of five flights have been able to take off, and the impact of the strike has been kept to a minimum.

In the interim, VC claimed a "positive outcome" from the strike that concluded on Sunday, which it conducted in unison with Independent Flight Attendant Organisation (UFO). VC and UFO are pushing Discover to agree on collective bargaining agreements for the first time. There's a disagreement among the three unions over who has the most members and hence the right to representation.

"Tranquility will only returns in the company when VC members' interests are addressed through their own collective bargaining agreements and improved working conditions," stated VC President Andreas Pinheiro. "We're just getting started. In the end, we'll come out on top."

The dispute between VC and UFO, seeking collective bargaining agreements from Discover Airlines, has reached the Court of Justice for resolution due to disagreements over union representation. Despite the ongoing legal proceedings, Discover Airlines continues to uphold its existing agreements with rival union Verdi.

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