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Uncovered vulnerabilities at a covert Israeli security facility.

No new knowledge gained since October.

Israeli soldiers drive a tank in the south near the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip.
Israeli soldiers drive a tank in the south near the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip.

Uncovered vulnerabilities at a covert Israeli security facility.

In a recent incident, Hamas terrorists were able to penetrate Israeli military installations, exposing significant security vulnerabilities. A report alleges that undercover agents successfully gained access to a major intelligence base, exposing sensitive documents and computer data.

The Israeli military carried out an internal investigation of a top-secret intelligence hub situated north of Tel Aviv. It is believed that the intrusion occurred a month ago, involving a squad of undercover officials from the General Staff. The three infiltrators presented themselves as senior personnel, allowing them to navigate the base undetected for approximately three hours. During this period, they amassed countless classified documents and storage devices.

As a result of the grave security lapses noted, around thirty soldiers faced reprimands or were put on lockdown. "Ynet" contends that if the intruders were actual enemies, they could have severely damaged the entire facility. The news outlet alludes to a military intelligence employee, who expressed indifference to the fallout of the October 7th Hamas massacre, indicating failure to learn from past mistakes.

Additionally, the Israeli army became aware of Hamas and other radical group members' infiltration into military installations across the border with Gaza. Some of the perpetrators had donned Israeli army uniforms during the October 7th malicious actions. An Israeli military spokesperson is currently assessing "ynet's" account.

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