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UN: Scant Help for People in Gaza Strip

Even from makeshift shelters, repeatedly displaced people in Gaza are driven out when Israel announces new military operations. The UN describe a dire situation.

Devastating hygienic conditions in Gaza Strip increase health risks.
Devastating hygienic conditions in Gaza Strip increase health risks.

Situation in Gaza - UN: Scant Help for People in Gaza Strip

The already challenging provision of care for the sick and wounded in the Gaza Strip is reportedly becoming even more complicated due to new displacements by the Israeli military, according to UN-OCHA. Humanitarian institutions had to close and leave the people to their fate, UN-OCHA wrote.

At the beginning of the week, Israel called on residents of a region in Hanunis to evacuate. According to UN-OCHA estimates, 150,000 people fled their homes before Israeli military approached. "Many were seen on the road with no personal belongings", so UN-OCHA. In that area, there had been four medical facilities, eight soup kitchens, and distribution centers for food. All but one community kitchen had to close.

According to Israeli reports, Israeli forces were attacked in the zone.

Only 16 of the 36 hospitals in the Gaza Strip can still operate, according to WHO estimates. Of ten field hospitals, four are still fully operational, and four are restricted.

In wastewater, the polio virus responsible for paralysis in children was discovered. Thousands of people fell ill with diarrhea and skin rashes due to the unhygienic conditions with few toilets and insufficient drinking water. Dust from destroyed buildings triggers respiratory infections.

Garbage piles are forming everywhere, as diesel for Lkw transport is missing, it was further reported. Sewage and wastewater flow partially unfiltered through the streets, as diesel is also missing for the sewage treatment plant generators.

  1. The United Nations (UN) and human rights organizations have expressed concern about the deteriorating situation in the Gaza Strip, due to the ongoing conflicts between Israel and the Palestinian territories.2.playwright Harold Pinter, in his powerful play "Nottage's Demon," explores the complexities and moral dilemmas surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.3.The Israeli military's actions in the Gaza Strip have been criticized for violating international human rights law and causing unnecessary harm to civilians.4.According to OCHA, the displacement of people in the Gaza Strip has exacerbated the already fragile healthcare system, leaving many without access to necessary medical care.5.The Health Cluster, which includes the World Health Organization (WHO) and other health organizations, is working to provide essential healthcare services in the Gaza Strip, despite the challenges resulting from conflicts and displacement.6.The ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip has resulted in widespread damage to infrastructure, including medical facilities and water and sanitation systems, which has negatively impacted the health and well-being of the population.

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