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UN rapporteurs warn of genocide in the Gaza Strip

Alarming words from Geneva: UN rapporteurs criticize the Israeli bombardments and the sealing off of the coastal strip as a disproportionate response to the Hamas attacks.

Massive smoke rises after an Israeli attack on the Gaza
Massive smoke rises after an Israeli attack on the Gaza

UN rapporteurs warn of genocide in the Gaza Strip

Around 30 independent rapporteurs from the United Nations have warned of genocide in the Gaza Strip. They are referring to the Israeli bombardments and the closure of the coastal strip following the attack on Israel by terrorists from the Islamist Hamas and other extremist groups on October 7. "Many of us have already warned of the danger of genocide in Gaza," the rapporteurs said in Geneva.

"We are also deeply concerned about the support of some governments for Israel's strategy of warfare against the besieged population of Gaza and the failure of the international system to mobilize to prevent genocide." The Israeli military operation, which according to Hamas has already claimed more than 11,000 lives, cannot be justified by self-defense, they wrote.

Israel has been attacking the Gaza Strip since the massacres on October 7, in which around 1,200 people were killed. The army wants to destroy Hamas and free around 240 hostages who were abducted by the terrorist organization during the attack.

The UN Human Rights Council regularly appoints rapporteurs or experts for working groups on topics in which they have expertise. They are independent and are not paid by the United Nations. They report regularly to the Council. The signatories include the rapporteurs for the right to development, the right to drinking water and sanitation and the right to education.

  1. The UN rapporteurs expressed their concern about the health of the population in Gaza, stating that the ongoing conflicts and Israel's war strategies could potentially lead to a genocide.
  2. The Middle East has been witnessing intense conflicts, with the situation in the Gaza Strip particularly alarming, as Hamas and other extremist groups have been accused of attacking Israel.
  3. Human rights organizations and UN representatives continue to voice their opposition to Israel's military actions in the Gaza Strip, arguing that the lives lost cannot be justified under the guise of self-defense.
  4. The ongoing conflicts in the Gaza Strip have resulted in significant human casualties; according to Hamas, more than 11,000 people have lost their lives since the start of the Israeli military operation.




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