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UN investigation panel holds Israel and a few Palestinian groups responsible for alleged war crimes.

A study has been released.

UN Commission of Inquiry accuses Israel and several Palestinian organizations of war crimes
UN Commission of Inquiry accuses Israel and several Palestinian organizations of war crimes

UN investigation panel holds Israel and a few Palestinian groups responsible for alleged war crimes.

A UN Human Rights Council panel has blamed Israel and several Palestinian groups for committing war crimes. The UN Human Rights Council created this team in May 2021 and recently released a report accusing Israel of "crimes against humanity such as extermination, murder, gender-based persecution, forced displacement, torture, and other inhumane and inhumane acts." In addition, the military wing of Hamas and six other Palestinian organizations have also engaged in war crimes, the report revealed.

The United Nations Human Rights Council investigation panel found "extensive or systematic attacks," directed at the civilian population in the Gaza Strip. Navi Pillay, former UN Human Rights Commissioner and chair of the commission, urged Israel to halt its attacks right away. Hamas and other groups were told to immediately halt their rocket attacks on Israel and release all hostages. It's "absolutely crucial," according to Pillay, that those responsible for the crimes be held to account.

In her opinion, the way to put an end to the recurring cycles of violence, including aggression and retaliation from both sides, is to "strictly adhere to international law."

The Israeli ambassador to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Meirav Shadar, labeled the panel as unfairly biased against Israel. Shadar declared that the council's "actions serve a political agenda aimed at Israel."

Read also:

The UN Commission of Inquiry, led by former UN Human Rights Commissioner Navi Pillay, has called for those responsible for war crimes in the Gaza Strip to be held accountable. The Report released by the commission implicates not only Israel but also the military wing of Hamas and six other Palestinian organizations in committing war crimes.

