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UN human rights chief concerned about hate speech and populists

Election campaigns tempt populists in particular to use hate speech and denigrate others. The UN's top human rights expert sounds the alarm.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights is concerned about populist tendencies in Europe and...
The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights is concerned about populist tendencies in Europe and elsewhere. (archive picture)

Elections - UN human rights chief concerned about hate speech and populists

The advance of populist politicians in Europe and other world regions causes great concern for UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk. Especially during election periods, there are often hate speeches used to discredit others, Türk stated in Geneva. He mentioned Europe, the USA, and India among others. There should be no tolerance for such behavior in politics.

Türk urges vigilance

When asked about France, where the far-right National Rally became the strongest party in the first round of voting, Türk said: "I am always concerned when I hear people speaking ill of others, dehumanizing migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, or minorities, making them scapegoats. We must be very vigilant." The decisive second round of voting in France takes place on Sunday.

We should remember from European history that the denigration of others often precedes even worse behavior, Türk stated in a press conference.

Türk: Study the election programs

"I call on all those who are voting now or will be voting soon to carefully examine the election programs to see if they respect the human rights of all people," Türk said.

The UN, led by High Commissioner Volker Türk, has expressed concern about the rise of hate speech during election periods, especially by populist politicians in the International community, including Europe, the USA, and India. Türk's statement was made at the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva.

In response to questions about the far-right National Rally's strong showing in France, Türk emphasized the importance of vigilance against disparaging speech directed at migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and minorities, which can sometimes lead to harmful actions.

During a press conference, Türk also highlighted the historical lesson that denigrating others can escalate into worse behaviors, urging everyone to be aware of this fact.

Türk urged voters to closely examine election programs to ensure they uphold the human rights of all people. He emphasized that this scrutiny is crucial for those currently voting and for those who will vote in upcoming elections.

Furthermore, Türk's calls for human rights respect and vigilance against hate speech extend to political leaders and individuals from around the World region, not just Europe or the USA.

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