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UN: Half a million people in Gaza Strip suffer from catastrophic hunger

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UN: Half a million people in Gaza Strip suffer from catastrophic hunger
UN: Half a million people in Gaza Strip suffer from catastrophic hunger

UN: Half a million people in Gaza Strip suffer from catastrophic hunger

Approximately half a million people in Gaza, according to the United Nations, are suffering from catastrophic hunger. "Limited access and restricted aid have resulted in families often not receiving the support in food they need", the UN post stated on X. The World Food Programme remains on site, but requires reliable access and aid, the statement further read.

According to humanitarian organizations, the situation for the population in Gaza is heavily strained after over nine months of war and extensive damage. An end is not yet in sight.

The cause of the Gaza conflict was the unprecedented massacre with over 1,200 deaths carried out by terrorists of Hamas and other extremist groups in Israel on October 7, 2023.

According to the health authority controlled by Hamas, over 38,000 people in Gaza have been killed since the start of the war. The number, which does not distinguish between civilians and combatants, cannot currently be verified independently.

A round of negotiations in the Qatari capital failed to bring about a breakthrough initially. The duration of a ceasefire is the main point of contention. Hamas demands a permanent ceasefire, which Israel rejects.

The ongoing conflict in Gaza has left one million people experiencing hunger, as per the UN's report. The restricted aid and limited access have significantly impacted families in the Gaza Strip, causing them to often go without the necessary food support. The United Nations urges for a quick change in the situation, emphasizing the importance of reliable aid access for organizations like the World Food Programme.

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