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Ultra-right Israelis provoke Palestinians at demonstration in Jerusalem

Confrontations with the police

Ultra-right Israelis demonstrate in
Ultra-right Israelis demonstrate in

Ultra-right Israelis provoke Palestinians at demonstration in Jerusalem

Ultra-right-wing Israelis meet in Jerusalem to demonstrate. In doing so, they violate agreements. There are clashes with the police. The demonstrators demand the "restoration of full Jewish control in Jerusalem and on the Temple Mount".

According to eyewitness reports, there were confrontations with police at the start of a march by ultra-right-wing Israelis in Jerusalem in the evening. Israeli television reported that some participants were carrying signs, contrary to an agreement. "A bullet in the head for every terrorist and there is no coexistence with the enemy", one of the signs read, according to the Kan channel. The police reportedly prevented dozens of demonstrators from marching through the old town.

With the protest march, the participants wanted to demand, among other things, the "restoration of complete Jewish control in Jerusalem and on the Temple Mount". From a Palestinian perspective, this is a serious provocation. The Temple Mount (Al-Haram al-Sharif) in Jerusalem with the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque is the third holiest site in Islam. However, it is also sacred to Jews because two Jewish temples used to stand there.

According to a flyer, the march was also to go through the Muslim quarter. The participants also demanded the expulsion of the Muslim Wakf authority from the Temple Mount. The authority is responsible for the administration of the Temple Mount, while Israel is responsible for security. According to an agreement with the Muslim authorities, Jews are allowed to visit the site, but not to pray there. However, there are repeated violations of this.

Jordan had condemned the approval of the march by the Israeli authorities. The neighboring country warned against "the continuation of unilateral and illegal Israeli measures aimed at changing the historical and legal status" of Jerusalem and its holy sites. Israel conquered the West Bank and East Jerusalem in the 1967 Six-Day War. The Palestinians claim the territories for their own state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

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The demonstration led to confrontations with the police, as some ultra-right Israelis disregarded agreements and displayed provocative signs, such as one that read "A bullet in the head for every terrorist and there is no coexistence with the enemy". The march aimed to call for the "restoration of complete Jewish control in Jerusalem and on the Temple Mount", a demand that is seen as a serious provocation by Palestinians.


