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Ukrainians celebrate the capture of Putin's "wonder technology"

T-90M Proryv Tank

The T-90M Proryv in position of Ukrainian troops. It is being prepared for their combat...
The T-90M Proryv in position of Ukrainian troops. It is being prepared for their combat engagements.

Ukrainians celebrate the capture of Putin's "wonder technology"

It's a nuance that has little impact on the frontline events. Nevertheless, the report by a Ukrainian brigade of the capture of a T-90M Proryv tank in good condition is noteworthy.

The Ukrainian 68th Separate Jagdbrigade reported on social media about the capture of a T-90M Proryv tank. This refers to the most modern version from the T-90 series and along with the T-14, it is the most modern combat tank of the Russian armed forces. The Ukrainian brigade described it as a "wonder of technology". The captured model is said to be in a nearly functional condition. However, the verifications cannot be independently confirmed, as the soldiers published numerous photos.

The tank reportedly led a massive attack of the Russian occupiers, which ended in a "complete fiasco". "The crew of the T-90 abandoned their newest vehicle on the battlefield and simply fled", writes the 68th Separate Jagdbrigade. A driver then took the risk to approach the vehicle and returned with it.

The soldiers also report the capture of a T-80 combat tank and a BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicle. Their plans include using these trophies against the Russian invaders: "Now these trophies will mercilessly destroy their former owners", they share.

Even Russia has captured modern tanks before

It is not unusual for there to be captures of heavy military equipment from the opposing side. However, often these are destroyed or require extensive repairs, making it not worth taking them into custody. According to media reports, Ukrainian troops captured an intact T-90M Proryv in the Charkiw region at the end of 2022. Russia claimed in April of this year to have captured an allegedly captured German Leopard-2 tank in Avdiivka.

The T-90M Proryvs are modern, but far from invulnerable. At the beginning of the year, a tank caused a stir when it engaged in a duel with an American Bradley infantry fighting vehicle. Infantry fighting vehicles are generally inferior to combat tanks, but the Ukrainian crew managed to disable the pride of the Russian army.

According to the magazine "Stern" citing Russian sources, one of the first hits disabled the sighting optic and thus the main weapon of the Russian tank. Subsequent hits allegedly damaged the reactive armor on the outside and the turret, causing it to spin uncontrollably.

  1. The capture of the T-90M Proryv tank by the Ukrainian brigade has raised questions about the effectiveness of Russia's military strategy in the ongoing Wars and Conflicts in Ukraine.
  2. In the realm of Politics, the capture of modern Russian tanks like the T-90M Proryv and T-14 by Ukraine has significant implications, as it challenges Russia's military supremacy.
  3. The Attack on Ukraine by Russian occupiers has resulted in the capture of various Russian military equipment, including tanks like the T-90M Proryv, which are now being used against their former owners by the Ukrainian troops.

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