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Ukrainian authorities arrest rioters

Ukraine has been fending off a Russian invasion for over two years. Now the Ukrainian authorities claim to have uncovered a group that was planning a coup d'état.

Independence Square in Kiev (archive photo)
Independence Square in Kiev (archive photo)

Overthrow thwarted - Ukrainian authorities arrest rioters

Ukrainian authorities have reportedly thwarted a coup attempt. A group of rioters had planned "provocations" in the capital Kiev for the past Sunday, according to the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and the Prosecutor General's Office, who announced this on Monday. Among other things, they intended to seize the parliament and form a "provisional government" during a demonstration. Four men are being investigated. Two of them have been temporarily arrested. Weapons and ammunition were discovered during raids, it is stated. The suspects face up to ten years in prison. The investigations were conducted by the authorities of the western Ukrainian region of Ivano-Frankivsk.

Since the Russian invasion in February 2022, the government quarter in the capital Kiev has been a high-security area and not freely accessible. Due to the applicable martial law, the right to demonstrate is also restricted. Authorities have reportedly been arresting supporters and informants of Russian troops on a regular basis.

  1. The Russian invasion and subsequent conflicts in Ukraine have led to a heightened role for the country's secret services, including the SBU, in maintaining security.
  2. The attempted coup in Kiev serves as a reminder of the ongoing tensions and potential for political instability in Ukraine, which could be exploited by external forces.
  3. The secret service and the public prosecutor's office are working closely to ensure justice is served in the case of the accused coup plotters, who are facing serious charges.
  4. On Sunday, the international community will be watching as Ukraine marks one year since the beginning of the war, with concerns about potential attempts at destabilization.
  5. In the face of ongoing security threats and conflicts, the role of Ukraine's secret services in maintaining national security is more important than ever.
  6. The Ukrainian government's response to the attempted coup attempt shows its commitment to upholding the rule of law and protecting the country's democratic institutions from internal and external threats.

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