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Ukraine rejects accusations of provocations from Belarus

Ukraine war

Ukraine rejects accusations of provocations from Belarus
Ukraine rejects accusations of provocations from Belarus

Ukraine rejects accusations of provocations from Belarus

Ukraine refuted concerns in neighboring Belarus about possible advances across their shared border. Ukraine poses no threat but rather strengthens its defense lines along the border, Andrij Demtschenko, border guard spokesperson in Kiev, stated. There are no provocations. "They might be confused themselves", Demtschenko was quoted by the Unian agency.

Andrij Kowalenko, head of the Center for Countering Disinformation in the National Security Council, stated that the real threat comes from Belarus, where sufficient Russian troops are stationed. Instead, the Russian military is attempting to tie down Ukrainian forces at the Belarusian border.

Border guards of the authoritarian ex-Soviet republic of Belarus (formerly White Russia) have reportedly deployed additional units at the border with Ukraine. The measure was justified by alleged spy and sabotage preparations by Ukraine. Additionally, there are reports from Minsk of a weapons cache discovered in the border area. Moreover, there is information about Russian legionnaires, who fought on the side of Kiev, being active in the region.

Belarus is Russia's closest ally. Alexander Lukashenko, the ruler, is economically, financially, politically, and militarily dependent on the Kremlin. Minsk does not officially participate in Russia's aggressive war against Ukraine, but Russian troops used Belarusian territory for their advance on Ukraine at the onset of the conflict.

Despite Ukraine's reassurances of no threats or provocations, reproaches continue to arise from Belarus, fueled by alleged spy and sabotage activities and the discovery of a weapons cache near the border. The escalating tensions between Ukraine and Belarus, both neighbors affected by the Ukraine war, have led some to question Belarus's true intentions and its close alliance with Russia.

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