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Ukraine partially withdraws from Chassiv Yar

Strategically important city

In Chasiv Yar, the Ukrainian armed forces are increasingly on the defensive.
In Chasiv Yar, the Ukrainian armed forces are increasingly on the defensive.

Ukraine partially withdraws from Chassiv Yar

Russia and Ukraine are clashing heavily around the city of Tschassiw Jar in Ukraine. The city is located a few kilometers from Bachmut and is of great strategic importance to both sides. The Russians report the capture of a district, but Kiev denies it initially. Now the tide is turning.

The Ukrainian army has withdrawn from a part of the strategically important Ukrainian city of Tschassiw Jar, according to their own statements. "It was no longer possible to hold the Canal Quarter, after the enemy had penetrated," said a Ukrainian military spokesperson. The defensive positions were destroyed and the lives of their own soldiers were endangered. The military command decided on a withdrawal to better fortified positions. But even there, the enemy continues its combat activities.

Tschassiw Jar is located in the eastern Ukrainian region of Donezk, about 20 kilometers west of Bachmut, which was taken by Russian troops a year ago and reduced to rubble after months of intense fighting. Both sides consider Tschassiw Jar a strategic location. A breakthrough could make it easier for the Russian army to gain access to important mining towns in the Donbass region, such as Kramatorsk, which are still controlled by Ukraine.

Previously, Ukraine had dismissed Russian reports that Russian forces had taken control of a district of the city. "We see no let-up in artillery attacks. The enemy is using artillery and multiple rocket launchers," said the spokesperson for the 24th Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which is defending the city, to the state broadcaster Suspilne. The situation is "extremely difficult," there are fights for the canal. "The situation remains tense. But the 24th Brigade is holding its positions," it was reported.

The Russian Defense Ministry had previously announced that its forces had taken control of a district of the city. According to Ukrainian military reports, Russian ground troops attempted to advance into Ukrainian positions there, under the cover of so-called Kamikaze drones and artillery. The current frontline cannot be observed from an independent perspective.

  1. Despite denials from Kiev, Russia claimed an attack on Bachmut, a city located near the strategically important Tschassiw Jar, which they reportedly captured a district in, potentially aiding their advance towards Kramatorsk in the Donbass region.
  2. In response to the Russian drone attacks around Tschassiw Jar, Ukraine had to withdraw from a part of the city, citing the destruction of their defensive positions and the endangerment of their own soldiers' lives.
  3. Amidst the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine over Tschassiw Jar, both sides have been heavily utilizing drones in their operations, adding another layer of complexity to the political tensions in the region.

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