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Ukraine consistently enlists 30,000 males each month, encountering a significant challenge.

Freshly enlisted troops partake in a commemoration event marking the conclusion of their military...
Freshly enlisted troops partake in a commemoration event marking the conclusion of their military education at a base situated close to Kiev.

Ukraine consistently enlists 30,000 males each month, encountering a significant challenge.

In Ukraine, recently, a report indicates that a recent mobilization has brought numerous men to join the defense against the Russian invasion. Nevertheless, on the ground, commanders express concerns about untrained individuals with low morale, leading to complications in the battlefield.

As per the "Financial Times," citing top Ukrainian officials, approximately 30,000 soldiers have been drafted each month since May, when a new conscription law was implemented. This number is comparable to Russia's supposed monthly mobilization, given its larger population, according to experts.

However, there are commitments from the Ukrainian side regarding the inadequate training and motivation among these new recruits. This reportedly leads to them withdrawing under fire or being injured or killed in combat.

Four commanders, a deputy commander, and numerous soldiers from four brigades shared their concerns. They stated that basic combat skills were lacking, with 50 to 70% of the new infantry troops being killed or wounded within a few days of commencing their first deployment.

One deputy commander of the 72nd mechanized brigade commented to the "Financial Times" that many new recruits take off running at the sight of incoming artillery fire. The brigade has been stationed in the hotly contested city of Wuhledar for an extended period, also known as the "stronghold of Ukrainian resistance."

A commander from Kurachowe commented: "Some men freeze in fear and refuse to shoot at the enemy, then they're the ones who return in body bags or severely injured." In both Wuhledar and Kurachowe, Russian forces have reportedly made gains lately.

Since May, Ukrainian men aged between 25 and 60 have been required to register and may be drafted, often involuntarily. Some fear interactions with recruitment teams on the street. Others flee the country or are detained while trying to do so. Ukrainian men of conscription age are generally prohibited from leaving the country.

On the other hand, many men are eager to defend Ukraine against Russian invaders. Even in Poland, thousands of Ukrainians have allegedly volunteered to join a brigade being trained by the Polish military.

Furthermore, a lack of equipment serves as an obstacle in equipping these new soldiers and strengthening existing units, as well as creating new brigades of several thousand soldiers. Reports from Kyiv suggest that much of this equipment should be supplied from the West.

Military expert Colonel Reisner mentioned that Ukraine aims to become "offensively capable" again, aiming for ten new brigades by 2025, with 160 to 169 thousand soldiers. However, President Zelenskyy has indicated that currently, only heavy military equipment such as tanks and armored vehicles from the West are available to equip four new brigades.

Due to the mass mobilization in Ukraine, Wars and Conflicts in the region have become more complex. The inadequate training and low morale of the recent recruits have led to significant casualties on the battlefield, with many new soldiers being injured or killed shortly after deployment.

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