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Ukraine admits to shooting down fighter jets over Russia

Incident in May

A helicopter exploded in the air in the Bryansk region in
A helicopter exploded in the air in the Bryansk region in

Ukraine admits to shooting down fighter jets over Russia

Russia repeatedly complains about the shelling of its border regions - Ukraine rejects this for a long time. In May, several planes and helicopters were shot down over Bryansk. Now the Ukrainian air force is taking responsibility.

According to its own statements, the Ukrainian air force is responsible for the shooting down of two Russian fighter jets and three helicopters over the Russian region of Bryansk last May. The Russian exile medium Meduza quotes the air force spokesman accordingly.

Russia repeatedly complains about the shelling of its regions bordering Ukraine. The leadership in Kiev, on the other hand, had long emphasized that it was not attacking Russian territory. Now the air force spokesman said with regard to the incident in Bryansk: "This was a brilliant operation under the leadership of the air force commander." According to him, Ukraine shot down three Mi-8 helicopters and one Su-34 and Su-35 bomber each with the Patriot air defense missile system.

After the incident, the Russian newspaper Kommersant reported that the downed combat unit was supposed to have been flying attacks in Ukraine. The number of victims varied, with reports of nine fatalities in four crashes. There was no official information.

Russia also repeatedly reported attacks on the Belgorod region near the border; according to Russian information, the area was shelled six times on Monday alone. No damage was reported.

According to official information from Kiev, Ukraine can now reach targets on Russian territory 1500 kilometers away with its own weapons. The country has been working on a missile and drone program for some time, which is why targets even at such long distances are no longer a problem, the Secretary of the National Council for Security and Defence said in September. The weapons used on Russian territory are of Ukrainian origin, he said, referring to the attacks on military targets in the neighboring country.


