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UAE extradites suspected hedge fund trader in multi-billion cum-ex case

British citizen

UAE extradites suspected hedge fund trader in billion-dollar cum-ex
UAE extradites suspected hedge fund trader in billion-dollar cum-ex

UAE extradites suspected hedge fund trader in multi-billion cum-ex case

The United Arab Emirates has extradited a suspected hedge fund trader to Denmark in a multi-billion dollar tax evasion case. British citizen Sanjay Shah has been handed over to Danish authorities, the Emirates' state news agency reported. Shah's lawyer said in a TV interview that his client would arrive in Denmark later today.

The Briton was arrested in Dubai last year. Danish authorities accuse him of having evaded 1.8 billion dollars in taxes with the help of cum-ex transactions. In this scheme, investors have capital gains tax paid on share dividends refunded several times with the help of banks. To do this, they move shares with ("cum") and without ("ex") dividend entitlement around the dividend payment date. Shah has always denied the accusations made by the Danish authorities.

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