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U.S. Top Diplomat Blinken Urges Cessation of China's Backing for Russia

Escalation of Conflict in Ukraine

US Secretary of State Blinken: China's support for Russia "must stop"
US Secretary of State Blinken: China's support for Russia "must stop"

U.S. Top Diplomat Blinken Urges Cessation of China's Backing for Russia

Antony Blinken, the U.S. SecState, implored China to cease aiding Russia's military manufacturing sector. According to Blinken, the People's Republic offers vital assistance that enables Russia to sustain its defense industry, keep its military equipment operational, and prolong the conflict in Ukraine. "Enough is enough," Blinken stated during a joint press conference with NATO Sec-Gen Jens Stoltenberg.

Approximately 70% of the tooling machines and 90% of the microelectronics that Russia imports are from China, Blinken pointed out, significantly bolstering Russia's military capabilities.

Stoltenberg, visiting Washington for July's NATO summit preparation, also conveyed strong criticism towards China. Beijing, he asserted on Thursday, is stoking the largest armed conflict in Europe since World War II, yet simultaneously conducts routine business with European nations. The West can't accept this double standard, he stressed, implying that China should face repercussions.

China reacted to the allegations by denying them. The nation poses as an unbiased party in the Ukraine conflict but has never denounced Russia's invasion. Russian President Vladimir Putin has been a guest of China since the onset of the war and relations between the two countries have intensified.

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