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U.S. military serviceman imprisoned by Russian courts

Eastward Arrests Made in the Nation

Gordon Black's lawyer wants to appeal.
Gordon Black's lawyer wants to appeal.

U.S. military serviceman imprisoned by Russian courts

In April, an American soldier named Gordon Black allegedly sneaked off to Russia without the US Army's approval. He's been accused of going there to see a woman he connected with on a dating app. A spat between them resulted in his arrest. Reports say a Russian court sentenced this US soldier to a long stretch in prison for making threats and stealing money. Specifically, the court in Vladivostok sentenced Black to three years and nine months behind bars. His lawyer plans to challenge the verdict.

According to various media outlets, including TASS news agency and radio Sputnik, Black was convicted for physically hurting Alexandra Waschtschuk and pilfering 10,000 Rubles (roughly 109 Euros) from her.

The incident took place in Vladivostok in April. Prior to that, Black had been romantically involved with Waschtschuk while serving in South Korea. The Russian legal system claims Black assaulted Waschtschuk and stole money from her.

Black supposedly admitted to part of the crime but refuted threatening Waschtschuk with death. At the time of the incident, Waschtschuk was very drunk. According to Black's statements, they had first met in October 2022 through a dating app in South Korea and had started a relationship. Later, Waschtschuk supposedly invited him to Vladiwostok.

The US Army declared that the soldier had completed his service in South Korea on April 10. Instead of heading back to the United States, he jet-setted off to Vladiwostok via China without receiving official authorization from the US Defense Ministry for his travel. He enlisted in the army in 2008 and served in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

The detainment of American citizens in Russia often prompts negotiations of a complex nature between Moscow and Washington for their release or exchange. For example, US basketball player Brittney Griner was jailed in Russia for possessing drugs and was later exchanged for Russian arms dealer Viktor But, who was detained in the US. Since late 2018, former US soldier Paul Whelan has been imprisoned in Russia on charges of espionage.

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Given the context, here are two sentences that contain the words 'Processes', 'Justice', 'Russia', 'USA', 'Military':

The ongoing legal processes in Russia regarding Black's case have sparked discussion about justice and diplomacy between Russia and the USA, particularly in light of previous military personnel exchanges between the two nations.

The sentencing of Black by a Russian court has raised questions about fairness in military justice systems, prompting calls for transparency and potential reforms, both within Russia and in the USA's own military judiciary processes.

