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Two motorcycle riders die in collision

A motorcycle rider comes onto the opposite lane with his machine. There he collides with two other motorcycles - with negative consequences.

Two people have been fatalily injured in an accident involving several motorcycles (picture).
Two people have been fatalily injured in an accident involving several motorcycles (picture).

accident - Two motorcycle riders die in collision

At a collision between several motorcycles in the Lower Bavarian district of Straubing-Bogen, two people have died. A motorcycle rider came onto the oncoming lane of a state road in Sankt Englmar and collided with two oncoming motorcycles, stated a spokesperson of the Niederbayern Police Presidium.

The two people died at the scene, a third person was taken to the hospital with severe injuries. Further details were initially unknown. The state road was closed in the afternoon.

The collision occurred on a state road in the district of Straubing-Bogen, specifically in Sankt Englmar, located in Lower Bavaria. Such accidents in Bavaria have been a growing concern, leading authorities to consider implementing safety measures like counterflow lanes. The motorcycle rider, unfortunately, ventured into the wrong lane, resulting in the tragic collision involving three motorcycles. This incident has added to the increasing number of traffic accidents reported in the region.

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