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Two individuals, previously identified by law enforcement, hail from Grevesmühlen.

Assault on Ghanaian household

The dispute in a residential area in Ploggenseering is said to have resulted in racist insults and...
The dispute in a residential area in Ploggenseering is said to have resulted in racist insults and physical altercations.

Two individuals, previously identified by law enforcement, hail from Grevesmühlen.

A fresh perspective on the events unfolding in Grevesmühlen, Germany, surfaces after the authorities amended their initial statements about the attack on a young Ghanaian girl. It appears a 12-year-old kid might have acted as the catalyst for this situation. Two of the suspected individuals were also familiar faces to the police due to their involvement in politically driven criminal activities.

According to a police spokesperson, various suspects are under scrutiny for aggravated assault and slander. Additionally, there's suspicion that they incited racial hatred. Two of the quarrelsome individuals, now identified, had already been known to the police for their participation in politically charged criminal activities.

As per the police spokesperson, the catalyst for the fracas on the Friday night was reportedly a 12-year-old boy who allegedly tripped an 8-year-old Ghanaian girl while she skated. When her father stepped in to talk to the bunch of youngsters present, a spat escalated into a physical altercation, according to the police account. The father was injured in the ruckus as well, which landed him in trouble for aggravated assault. Initial reports hinted at racist slurs exchanged during the confrontation, albeit this hasn't been definitively proven.

No Facial Injury

Initial reports suggested a facial injury to the girl, but this was corrected on Monday based on new evidence. The girl did not suffer any physical harm that could be attributed to this incident.

As per a "Tagesspiegel" report, a group of German teens were spotted spewing racial slurs close to the incident site before the clash. Authorities intervened with warnings. The police spokesperson confirmed that investigations are ongoing to determine if these were the same individuals involved in the altercation.

Grevesmühlen's mayor, Lars Prahler, expressed concerns about certain youths on the outskirts of town who are difficult to reach. In this 10,500-resident town, there are training and employment opportunities, a functioning youth club, social workers, and anti-racism programs in schools. A human chain of various initiatives is planned in Grevesmühlen for Tolerance and Solidarity on Thursday.

Interior Committee Agenda

Minister-President Manuela Schwesig urged against trivializing the incident. "It's heartening to know the girl wasn't physically harmed," she said. "Every parent and every father knows the emotional turmoil that lingers." No place should be tolerant of attacks on children and racial slurs.

However, derision came from the opposition in the Schwerin Landtag, with CDU and AfD politicians voicing their criticism. The interior policy spokesperson for the CDU Landtagsfraktion, Ann Christin von Allwörden, declared that this matter will be brought up in the Interior Committee. It could be a "highly regrettable" mix of politics and media, she explained.

After authorities initially reported a child being hit in the face, public outrage swept across the country. The chairman of the AfD state parliamentary group, Nikolaus Kramer, stated, "The image portrayed over the past few days of a teenage Nazi gang causing havoc in Grevesmühlen doesn't hold true under closer scrutiny."

Read also:

  1. The two individuals from Grevesmühlen, under investigation for their involvement in the incident, have a history of engaging in politically motivated crimes and have been linked to right-wing extremist groups like the AfD, which has been accused of inciting hatred and racism.
  2. The police are also looking into allegations of incitement to hatred and violence after racist slurs were reportedly exchanged between a group of German teens and the impacted family in the days leading up to the altercation in Grevesmühlen.
  3. In response to the incident, there's growing concern about the influence of right-wing extremism and racism in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, with some political leaders calling for hospitals to address the underlying issues of radicalization and intolerance in the region.



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