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Two accidents in a row on A9 - four injured

A driver collides with a camper on the A9 motorway, he and his passenger are seriously injured. But it doesn't end with that accident.

Two accidents occurred on the A9 (map symbol)
Two accidents occurred on the A9 (map symbol)

traffic - Two accidents in a row on A9 - four injured

Two accidents occurred on Autobahn 9 between the interchanges of Niemegk and Brück (Potsdam-Mittelmark). In total, two people were seriously injured and two were lightly injured, as the Police Directorate West announced on Sunday.

In the first accident, a 57-year-old driver collided with a caravan and came off the road. According to the police, the car then hit the guardrail and overturned. The driver and his 28-year-old passenger were seriously injured and taken to the hospital.

A little later, a 79-year-old driver, according to the police, did not notice the traffic jam at the accident site in time and collided with another car. The man and his 81-year-old passenger were reportedly lightly injured.

Following the accidents, authorities are strategizing to improve the connection point between Niemegk and Brück to prevent such incidents in the future. Despite these incidents, the Autobahn 9 in Potsdam-Mittelmark remains a vital transportation route, with an estimated 40,000 vehicles passing daily, including over 30,000 automobiles or Audios. To ensure safety, authorities are considering constructing a new bridge at this high-risk location.

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