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Two 17-year-olds being investigated by police after a fight?

At first, the police believed that the man had fallen and died. But later evidence suggests a fight with adolescents several weeks prior as a possible cause of death.

Unusual turn in police investigations: Was a fight instead of a fall the cause of a 46-year-old's...
Unusual turn in police investigations: Was a fight instead of a fall the cause of a 46-year-old's death?

Change in investigations - Two 17-year-olds being investigated by police after a fight?

One year after the death of a 46-year-old man in Bochum, investigators suspect a brawl with several teenagers weeks prior as the possible cause. Initially, the police believed it was an accident, but now two 17-year-olds, as well as potential other unidentified suspects, are being investigated, according to the police and prosecutor's office. The two are currently accused of grievous bodily harm resulting in death, a spokesperson said.

The 46-year-old was found dead in his apartment at the end of July 2023. At first, investigators believed his severe head injuries indicated he had fallen. However, witnesses from his environment reported several weeks after his death that there had been a brawl with young men several weeks prior to his death. They claimed he had fallen to the ground and been severely beaten by two people from the group.

According to the police's investigation, it is likely that the untreated head injuries eventually led to the man's death in his apartment weeks later, a police spokesperson explained. A second autopsy showed that the injury pattern matched the described violent assault.

The incident reportedly occurred in the afternoon on a major street in the Weitmar neighborhood between late May and early July. The police hope to reconstruct the event better with further witness tips.

  1. The Public Prosecutor's Office in North Rhine-Westphalia is currently focusing on the case of the 46-year-old man who died due to bodily harm in Bochum.
  2. The police and the Public Prosecutor's Office are investigating a brawl that allegedly occurred several weeks before the death as a potential cause, involving two 17-year-olds and other unidentified suspects.
  3. The Determination to find justice for the victim led the authorities to re-open the case and shift their focus from an accidental death to criminality.
  4. The brawl, which reportedly took place on a major street in the Weitmar neighborhood between May and July, resulted in severe head injuries that ultimately led to the man's death in his apartment.
  5. The police in Bochum are urging anyone who may have witnessed the brawl or has information related to the incident to come forward and help in focusing on the suspects and understanding the sequence of events leading to the tragedy.

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