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Tusk wants to campaign for aid to Ukraine

In his first government statement, Donald Tusk makes it clear that Poland will "loudly and resolutely" stand up for support for Ukraine. He also sends positive signals to Brussels.

Donald Tusk was Polish Prime Minister from 2007 to 2014.
Donald Tusk was Polish Prime Minister from 2007 to 2014.

After parliamentary elections - Tusk wants to campaign for aid to Ukraine

As Poland's new Prime Minister, Donald Tusk wants to persuade the West to provide more support for the attacked Ukraine.

In his government statement, Tusk said that he could no longer listen to some Western politicians talking about being tired of the situation in Ukraine. "We will loudly and resolutely demand the full mobilization of the free Western world to support Ukraine in this war." In a few hours, he will travel to the EU summit in Brussels. There he wants to find "different ways than before" to convince Poland's traditional allies of the need for help, Tusk continued.

Since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, Poland has been one of the most important political and military supporters of its neighboring country. However, tensions had recently arisen between Warsaw and Kiev under the previous government of the national conservative PiS.

Tusk relies on good cooperation with the EU

Tusk also called for respect for the values of democracy and the rule of law and announced good cooperation between his country and the EU. "What really forms a community is the rule of law, the constitution, the rules of democracy, secure borders and a secure national territory - these are the things we must not argue about," said Tusk.

The former governing camp of the national conservative PiS had been at loggerheads with Brussels for years over a controversial judicial reform. The EU Commission has initiated several infringement proceedings against the EU member state and is blocking a multi-billion euro coronavirus aid fund.

Under his government, Poland will achieve the position of a "leader within the EU" through good cooperation, said Tusk. "The stronger the European Community is, the stronger and more sovereign we are." One reason for the victory of the pro-European tripartite alliance in the parliamentary elections was that many voters in Poland wanted the country to play an important role in the EU. Tusk also promised that he would ensure that the frozen billions from the coronavirus aid fund would be released. The 66-year-old from Gdansk was President of the EU Council from 2014 to 2019.

Tusk was appointed as the new head of government by the Polish parliament on Monday. His pro-European coalition government still has to pass a vote of confidence this afternoon.

Read also:

  1. Despite the parliamentary election result, the national conservative PiS party in Poland continues to be at odds with the EU over the controversial judicial reform.
  2. In his new role as Prime Minister, Andrzej Duda's predecessor, Donald Tusk, advocates for stronger EU support for Ukraine, which is currently engaged in a war with Russia.
  3. Following the parliamentary election, Tusk's pro-European coalition government needs to pass a vote of confidence in Parliament this afternoon.
  4. During his speech at the EU summit in Brussels, Tusk will emphasize the need for democratic values and rule of law and seek new ways of convincing Poland's traditional allies to support Ukraine.
  5. As a country deeply involved in the Ukraine conflict, Poland has faced tensions with Kiev under the previous PiS government.
  6. To strengthen Poland's position within the EU, Tusk's government aims to foster good cooperation with the EU and ensure the release of the frozen coronavirus aid fund.
  7. Due to Poland's critical role in the EU, Tusk also emphasizes the importance of strengthening the European Community as a whole, noting that a strong EU will lead to a more sovereign and powerful Poland.


