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Turkey will not align NATO work with Israel in the future.

Step on basic values

The Turkish president Erdogan (r.) (here in September 2023 at a meeting in the Turkish House in New...
The Turkish president Erdogan (r.) (here in September 2023 at a meeting in the Turkish House in New York) compared Israel's prime minister Netanyahu to Hitler.

Turkey will not align NATO work with Israel in the future.

With the start of the Gaza War, relations between Turkey and Israel deteriorate. Now Ankara is taking action. Until a "comprehensive and sustainable peace" reigns, Ankara intends to oppose Israel in NATO.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will no longer approve cooperation between NATO and the partner Israel. The NATO member Turkey will not accept corresponding initiatives "until peace is established in the Palestinian territories," wrote Erdogan on the platform X following the NATO summit in Washington.

"The Israeli government is trampling on the foundations of our alliance, it is impossible to continue our partnership with the NATO," said Erdogan. Israel is not a member of the alliance, but a partner with whom extensive cooperation exists.

On the NATO website, it is stated that NATO and Israel have worked together in areas such as science, technology, counter-terrorism, civil defense, weapons of mass destruction, as well as on topics such as women, peace, and security for nearly 30 years. Israeli soldiers have also been involved in numerous exercises of the alliance.

Turkey has been a NATO member since 1952. Since the start of the Gaza War, relations between Israel and Turkey have drastically deteriorated. Erdogan described the Islamic Hamas as a "liberation organization" and compared Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler.

  1. Despite being a NATO partner, Israel-hostility, particularly evident during the Gaza War, has led Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to critique its actions, stating, "The Israeli government is trampling on the foundations of our alliance."
  2. In response to the Israel-War and subsequent Israel-hostility, Erdogan has made it clear that he will not approve further cooperation between NATO and Israel, stating, "I will no longer approve cooperation between NATO and the partner Israel."
  3. Ankara, as a NATO member, has announced its intention to oppose Israel in the alliance, until a "comprehensive and sustainable peace" in the Palestinian territories is achieved, as Erdogan wrote on the platform X following the NATO summit in Washington.
  4. The strained relationship between Turkey and Israel has extended beyond politics, with Erdogan describing Hamas as a "liberation organization" and comparing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler, further exacerbating the Host-Conflict.

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