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Trump tells at rally about attack: 'Everywhere blood'

Five days after the attack on him, Trump reported at the Republican Party convention about the dramatic scenes. He spoke of God - and of a detail he had learned during the attack.

At the party in Milwaukee, Trump detailed extensively about the shocking moments of the attempt on...
At the party in Milwaukee, Trump detailed extensively about the shocking moments of the attempt on his life.

After attack - Trump tells at rally about attack: 'Everywhere blood'

Republican US Presidential candidate Donald Trump reported at the Republican Party convention in Wisconsin about the harrowing moments of the attack on him. "My hand was smeared with blood, everywhere there was blood. I immediately knew it was very serious," the former president said in his big speech at the convention's finale in the state of Wisconsin. "There was blood flowing everywhere, and yet I felt somehow very safe, because I had God on my side." He added that if he hadn't looked to the side in the moment of the shooting, he wouldn't be alive. "I stand before you here, in this arena, only by the grace of the almighty God." His supporters cheered him frantically.

Trump went on at length about the attack on him. "You will not hear this from me again, because it is truly painful to recount."

Trump: "Why is there so much blood?"

A shooter had opened fire on a campaign event in the city of Butler in the state of Pennsylvania on a Saturday, just before the start of the convention. The shooter was killed by security. One visitor died, two others were injured. Trump was wounded in the right ear. He has been wearing a white bandage on his ear since then. The incident was an escalation in the already heated US election campaign.

Trump said he had learned something new from the attack. "When something happens with the ears, they bleed more than any other part of the body." The doctors had explained that to him. "I asked: Why is there so much blood?"

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Pictures of Trump with blood on his ear and a little blood on his face - and at the same time with a clenched fist - circulated around the world after the attack. His supporters had thought he had been killed, said the 78-year-old. "I wanted to do something to let them know I was okay. I raised my right arm, looked at the tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of people who were breathlessly waiting, and began to shout: Fight! Fight! Fight!" And further: "As my clenched fist went up into the air, the crowd realized I was okay, and roared with pride for our country." Such a thing had he never heard before.

  1. In the aftermath of the attack in Wisconsin, Donald Trump expressed his gratitude for being alive, attributing it to divine intervention during the Republican Party convention.
  2. The moment of terror during the attack in Pennsylvania, specifically in the city of Butler, served as a turning point for Donald Trump in his campaign for the US Presidential election in 2024.
  3. Despite the harrowing incident in Pennsylvania, Donald Trump, as a resilient US Presidential candidate, continued to garner support from his supporters, with images of his bloodied ear and clenched fist circulating globally.
  4. In the state of Wisconsin, amid the cheers of his supporters, Donald Trump highlighted the seriousness of the attack and shared his profound sentiments, emphasizing the importance of his faith in the United States of America.
  5. Reflecting on the attack, Donald Trump acknowledged the peculiarity of how his right ear bled excessively, an observation he made while conversing with his doctors following the incident.

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