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Trump rejects ultraconservative 'Project 2025'

laughable and abyssal

Since the spread of the Manifest in the USA, hundreds have protested against its contents.
Since the spread of the Manifest in the USA, hundreds have protested against its contents.

Trump rejects ultraconservative 'Project 2025'

Hundreds of conservative Politicians in the USA sign a manifesto named "Project 2025" which is over 900 pages long. The Democrats warn that Trump could enforce the demands. However, he has publicly distanced himself and labeled some proposals as "ridiculous and abyssal".

In the US election campaign, the conservative manifesto named "Project 2025" is becoming a topic of discussion. This document, compiled by hundreds of prominent Conservatives, is viewed by Democrats as evidence of potential dangers of a second term for Republican Donald Trump.

What does the document contain?

The authors of "Project 2025" advocate for a significant expansion of the President's power. For instance, the number of political appointments should be increased, instead of appointing career officials. The influence of the President on the Justice Department should also be expanded.

Additionally, there are demands such as criminalizing pornography and banning the mailing of abortion pills across state borders. Federal regulations on environmental protection should be scrapped, and efforts for workplace diversity programs should be opposed. The Federal Education Ministry should be abolished.

Is there a connection to the Trump campaign?

Yes and no. The project is based on the joint work of numerous organizations under the leadership of the ultra-conservative think tank Heritage Foundation. The group is independent of the Trump campaign, as both the creators of "Project 2025" and the former President emphasize.

However, some of Trump's closest political advisors and potential future government officials are involved in the project, as the "New York Times" revealed. For example, the former Trump administration official Russ Vought played a significant role in its creation. He is also the Policy Director of a committee at the Republican Convention.

Does Trump support the proposals?

Since the controversy surrounding the document emerged, Trump has distanced himself from it. "I know nothing about 'Project 2025'", he wrote online in early July. Trump usually speaks generally about his political plans during the campaign. However, it appears from earlier statements that Trump supports some central proposals, such as expanding the power of the President and abolishing the Education Ministry.

However, he has spoken out against general restrictions on abortion pills. In his own social network, Truth Social, he labeled some of the demands as "ridiculous and abyssal".

Why is "Project 2025" suddenly a topic?

The "Project 2025" has actually existed since early 2023 in various forms. In recent months, the Biden campaign team has increasingly tried to draw public attention to it. They present the proposals as a harbinger of the harsh right-wing turn they claim would threaten the USA if Trump wins the election. Since the dissemination of the document, hundreds of people have taken to the streets to protest against the plans.

How does Trump's campaign react?

Some of his campaign supporters have grown increasingly angry and emphasized that the proposals of the project are separate from Trump's official program. Danielle Alvarez, a spokesperson for his campaign team, wrote in a statement to the news agency Reuters, "Biden and the Democrats are lying and stirring up fear because they have nothing else to offer the American people".

In the context of the U.S. Presidency Election 2024, the controversial document "Project 2025" has gained traction. This manifesto, which advocates for policies such as criminalizing pornography and banning the mailing of abortion pills, is viewed by Democrats as a potential threat if Republican Donald Trump wins another term. Despite distancing himself from the document, some of Trump's closest advisors, like Russ Vought, have been involved in its creation. Furthermore, Trump has criticized certain demands in the document, labeling them as "ridiculous and abyssal."

Some demonstrators protested in front of Trump Tower in New York.

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