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Trump pledges active defense for evangelicals

"It's crucial that you cast your ballot"

Fighter for the faith: Trump promises protection against alleged anti-Christian prejudice.
Fighter for the faith: Trump promises protection against alleged anti-Christian prejudice.

Trump pledges active defense for evangelicals

Before squaring off with Biden in a TV debate, Trump addresses a vital voting segment: Evangelical Christians, traditional supporters of the ex-President, are encouraged to cast their votes. He positions himself as their protector.

During a gathering organized by the conservative non-profit Faith and Freedom Coalition, the former U.S. President urged religious Christians to participate in the November election. If re-elected, he guarantees protecting religious freedom.

He emphasized, "Evangelicals and Christians tend not to vote as frequently as they should." In response, he pledged, "I will fiercely defend religious freedom."

He further stated, "We will safeguard Christians in our educational institutions, military, government offices, workplaces, hospitals, public spaces, and town squares." Moreover, he promised to create a new governmental task force to combat anti-Christian prejudices. This task force would target "illegal discrimination, defamation, and persecution" of Christians within the U.S.

Trump alleges the political left seeks to "mute, demoralize, and expel" conservative Christians. "They don't want you to vote, which makes your response all the more critical," he added. Trump faces President Joe Biden in the first campaign debate airing on Thursday.

A Self-proclaimed Playboy as a "proud Christian"

A majority of Evangelical Christians backed Trump. They played a significant role in his 2016 and 2020 Presidential victories. White Evangelical Christians constitute approximately 14% of the U.S. electorate.

Trump once defined himself as a "proud Christian," despite his reputation as a casino owner and frequent Playboy associate not aligning with the traditional Christian environment. His church attendance is said to be inconsistent. Trump garnered the support of the Evangelical voting bloc, among other ways, by appointing ultra-conservative justices to the Supreme Court, leading to the overturning of the nationwide right to abortion.

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